  • 期刊


Development of Mechanical Assistive Device to Support Sitting Down and Getting Up




起身 助力椅 輔助科技 氣壓棒


This study focuses on the structural development of a mechanical assistive device that reduces the force required for one to get up from a seat. The device is able to support the sitting down and getting up motion and hence is an excellent assistive device for the elderly or people with joint degeneration or physical disability. The product consists of a seat that has pneumatic cylinders to exert a pushing force, a latch that can adjust the weight, a foam seat cushion, as well as a removable backrest and padded armrests. It can be used with mobility aids with seats or wheelchairs in various situations. With this structure, the force that the user exerts when sitting down will compress the pneumatic cylinders, slowing down the sitting process. When the user attempts to get up, the cylinders are no longer in compression and will exert an upward force, making it easier for the user to stand up. By adjusting the position of the latch, the pneumatic cylinders can exert a different amount of force. The force that the two types of pneumatic cylinders can exert varies from 43 to 150kg. This structure reduces the bending of the knee when attempting to stand up by about 10 degrees. Through actual testing with the elderly, it was found that the time required for the elderly to get up reduced by 19.1-21.2% as compared to normal chairs. In addition, up to 92.9% of the elderly could feel the assistance the chair provided. This product can be used with chairs, wheelchairs as well as beds to reduce the force required to sit down or get up. The portable and economical device has large market potential.
