  • 期刊


The Effects of Encouragement Type on the Creativity and Critical Thinking


Bandura(1977)提出了自我效能的概念,認為個體對自己能力的信念對於其工作的完成是一個必要的條件,尤其是對於高難度的作業,實證的資料指出自我效能的預測力更為明顯。林碧芳與邱皓政(2008)以自我效能感的觀點出發,發展教師從事創意教學的自我效能感概念與測量工具,稱為創意教學自我效能感量表(Inventory of creative teaching self-efficacy, ICTSE),並進而解釋教師的創意教學經驗。本研究將研究母體擴及中國大陸樣本,共蒐集了907 名兩岸中小學教師之有效樣本,利用驗證性因素分析(confirmatory factor analysis)檢測量表題目的測量恆等性(measurement invariance),以判定同一個理論模式在跨樣本間是否得以成立。研究結果發現海峽兩岸在創意教學自我效能感量表的得分上並不具有跨樣本的恆等性,顯示海峽兩岸間的量表互通性偏低,可能存在文化的差異性,無法輕易使用同一份量表施測不同的群體。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of encouragement type on the creativity and critical thinking. In Experiment 1, there are 45 participants and three conditions (i.e., the positive encouragement, the negative encouragement and the control conditions). The results show that the positive encouragement induces the positive emotion and the promotion focus motivation, while the negative encouragement induces the negative emotion and the prevention focus motivation. In Experiment 2, there are 90 participants and the same three conditions as those in Experiment 1. The results show that the participants in the positive encouragement condition have higher creative potential than those in the negative encouragement condition; however, there is no significant difference in critical thinking among the three conditions. The findings show that the positive encouragement promote the positive emotion, promotion focus motivation and creativity, while negative encouragement increases negative emotion and prevention focus motivation.
