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The Fertilization Technique for Cymbidium Sinense Wild under Soil Culture


探討報歲蘭採用土耕法於栽培床上表土填加不同有機資材及配合生育期噴施等量液肥之處理對於報歲蘭生育、花卉品質及植體養分濃度與土壤理化性質之影響,供為推廣之參考。試驗材料之報歲蘭苗採用台東縣東河鄉一年生原生種,有機資材分為樹皮堆肥、牛糞堆肥及泥炭土三種,使用量為40 t/ha(約為表土重的2%)。葉面肥料使用台肥速效1號及2號液肥,每兩週施用一次。試驗結果顯示,施用上述三種有機資材對土壤肥力影響,除了泥炭土處理對土壤pH值及有效鉀含量略減外,其餘的項目包括有機質、有效性磷、交換性鈣、鎂之含量均比對照區顯著增加,其中土壤中有機質含量比對照區增加約1.08~1.48%,且施用有機資材可使土壤硬度降低,土壤水分含量增加。施用有機資材處理區報歲蘭植株之新芽數、葉長、葉寬及新根數等生育性狀均優於對照區。施用樹皮堆肥及泥炭土處理能提昇報歲蘭植株地上部或根部之主要或次要養分濃度,對報歲蘭抽苔率、花梗長、花朵數、花朵徑有促進效果。就三種有機資材對土壤理化性之改良及報歲蘭生育性狀及花卉品質之影響比較,以泥炭土表現較佳,其次分別為樹皮堆肥及牛糞堆肥,唯就購買成本而言,則樹皮堆肥較經濟實用。


報歲蘭 土耕栽培 有機介質


The sandy loam soil mixed with 2% of fully fermented organic materials (such as tree bark manure, cattle manure and peat moss) is used for the cultural medium for cultivation of Cymbidium sinense Wild. The liquid fertilizer No. 1 and 2 were foliar-applied in two weeks interval. The results showed that in three organic materials treatments, the pH value, contents of P, K and Ca in soil are increased, the soil bulk density and hardness is decreased, as well as have significant effect on root growth of orchid. It also increased the flower stem length, flower number, flower size as well as the bolting percentage and flower stem number. Among treatments, the tree bark manure have the best performance.
