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Investigation on the Oriental Cymbidium Industry and Exportation in Taiwan


本研究以問卷方式進行臺灣國蘭產業及外銷作業調查。生產現況調查結果顯示栽培業者平均年齡48歲,以高中/高職學歷居多。栽培場平均設立時間為10年,栽培面積0.52 ha,大多位於海拔300 m以下,90%以網室為栽培設施。栽培品種數目多達60種,以四季蘭之鐵骨素心蘭為最大宗。外銷現況調查部分,貿易商平均年齡約40餘歲,學歷專科至大學以上居多。公司設立以10~20年居多,年出口數量以三百萬芽比例最高。國蘭外銷周年皆可出貨,惟有明顯淡、旺季差別,淡季主要在氣溫高的6~8月,9月至翌年5月則為旺季。產品分級尚未有統一標準,而採後處理流程則大致相同,以裸根苗空運為主,少數以裸根苗海運。貿易商的出口量亦以鐵骨素心蘭為最多。國蘭產業栽培者與貿易商平均年齡約40多歲均偏高,生產者具專科與大學以上學歷之比例較貿易商低,生產者相較貿易商處於社經地位較弱勢的一方。國蘭產業已有鐵骨素心蘭此一平價、受歡迎的品種發展出來,可穩定的供應並佔有韓國市場,未來應朝向分級標準統一與落實。


國蘭 生產 外銷 市場


The objectives of this research were to investigate oriental cymbidium production, marketing and export process in Taiwan by questionnaire survey. Part one of the survey was focused on production status. The results showed that the average age of growers was 48 and their major education background was high school. The average establishment duration and area of nurseries was 10 years and 0.52 ha respectively. In addition, most nurseries were located in the area below 300 meters above sea level. With respect to the production site, 90% of cultivation facilities were shading net houses and 60 cultivars were commonly planted. Among these cultivars, Cymbidium ensifolium 'Tiee-Guu-Suh-Shin' was the most important. Part two of the survey was related to trade status. The results showed that the average age of traders was 40 and their major education background was college. The trading companies have been established for 10 to 20 years. According to Taiwan Customs statistics, the exportation of oriental cymbidium occurred year-round and it could be divided to peak-season and off-season. Off-season was between June to August when temperature was high and peak-season was between September to May. The leading companies have the capacity to export 3 million shoots of cymbidium per year and the major cultivar is Cymbidium ensifolium 'Tiee-Guu-Suh-Shin'. When it comes to post-harvest process, it was similar between growers but with different grading standard. Bare-rooted plants of cymbidium were mainly exported by air, and fewer plants were exported by sea. The average age of both growers and traders of oriental cymbidium were more than 40 years old but lower average education level of growers lead to their vulnerable in socioeconomic status compared to traders. In the meantime, Cymbidium ensifolium 'Tiee-Guu-Suh-Shin' is regarded as a popular cultivar and can be stable supplied for Korean market due to its low price. However, setting up a grading standard will be put on the priority list for the development of further market.


oriental cymbidium production export market


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