  • 期刊


Acute effect of weight plyometric training and different recovery time on performance of a counter movement jump


緒論:探討不同增強式訓練(無負重組、負重組)與恢復時間(1分鐘、4分鐘、8分鐘、12分鐘)介入熱身對垂直跳之生物力學分析,以增進運動表現的觀點進行探討。方法:以7名甲組田徑擲部項目選手並無下肢病史的男性作為研究對象,為避免組內受試者受實驗處理程序疲勞因素的影響實驗次序以平衡次序(Counter-balanced order)的方式進行。實驗儀器以一部Mega Speed Ms30K高速攝影機(100Hz)與一臺AMTI測力板及Biovision肌電儀(1000Hz)使用同步方式擷取受試者之動作資料。在以Kwon3D動作分析系統及DASY Lab6.0分析軟體取得運動學、動力學及股直肌、脛骨前肌、股二頭肌及腓腸肌之肌電訊號,並以測試過程中所獲最大肌電值進行標準化處理。結果:騰空高度、最大垂直速度不同組別比較並無達顯著差異(p>.05),不同恢復時間進行比較後也沒有達統計上顯著差異(p>.05)。發力率、30毫秒發力率、最大垂直分力不同組別比較並無達顯著差異(p>.05),不同恢復時間進行比較後也沒有達統計上顯著差異(p>.05)。股直肌、脛骨前肌、股二頭肌及腓腸肌不同組別比較並無達顯著差異(p>.05),不同恢復時間進行比較後也沒有達統計上顯著差異(p>.05)。結論:活化後增能現象對於運動表現的影響,整體上沒有達到顯著效果,要在此現象中得到後續較好的運動表現,選手在賽前應多嘗試。


Introduction: Explore the view of enhancing athletic performance by biomechanical analysis of vertical warm-up for different types of enhanced training (no negative reorganization, negative reorganization) and recovery time (1 minute, 4 minutes, 8 minutes, and 12 minutes). Methods: seven men without the history of lower extremities were selected as the study subjects. Experimental equipment includes a Mega Speed Ms30K high speed camera (100Hz), an AMTI force plate and Biovision electromyograph (1000Hz); and the synchronous method was used to capture the subject's movement data. The myoelectric signal of kinematics, dynamics, rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, biceps femoris, and gastrocnemius muscles were acquired by Kwon3D motion analysis system and DASY Lab6.0 analysis software, and standardized by the maximum electromyographic value obtained during the test. Results: There was no interaction between recovery time and weight in kinesiology, dynamics, and electromyography. There was no significant difference (p>.05) in the height of expulsion, lower extremity joint motion, and maximum vertical speed in different groups, and there was no statistically significant difference (p>.05) after comparison of different recovery times. There was no significant difference (p>.05) in the force rate, the 30-millisecond force rate, and the maximum vertical force component between the different groups, and there was no statistically significant difference (p > .05) after comparison between different recovery times. There was no significant difference in the comparison between rectus femoris muscle, tibialis anterior muscle, biceps femoris muscle, and gastrocnemius muscle (p>.05), and there was also no statistically significant difference (p>.05) after comparison between different recovery times. Conclusions: The effect of post-activation energizing on exercise performance didn't reach a significant effect as a whole. To achieve a better follow-up performance in this phenomenon, the key lies in the individual differences of the experimental subjects.


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