  • 期刊


The Examination of Calligraphic Specialists in Liao Dynasty




遼代 書法人物 書法 書人


The knowledge of calligraphic specialists and their lives in Liao Dynasty is a new field for both researchers and common people. Even for professionals on calligraphic history are unable to summarize the calligraphic achievement in this empire. It is because that traditional wisdom usually perceives Liao's reign in northern China as a foreign authority, and intentionally segregates Liao's culture from Chinese legitimacy. From that, Liao's archives and artifacts were both hardly preserved and being spread, leading to the difficulty of related researches. Nevertheless, in recent decades, increasing presence of archaeological relics and artifacts provides rich materials for further understanding of various legacies in Liao Dynasty. The definition of "calligraphic specialists" in this essay is a term quite distinguished from popular awareness of calligraphers, who usually excelled in calligraphic theories and mastered uniquely calligraphic styles by their own. These calligraphers include Wang Xizhi in Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-42 AD); Four mastering calligraphers in early Tang Dynasty: Yu Shinan, Ouyang Xun, Chu Suiliang and Xue Ji; Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan who created two genius styles-Yan's Tendons and Liu's bones. These two forms are characterized by Yan's mastery of calligraphic strength and grandness, as well as Liu's expertise on skinny but erective writings; Emperor Huizong of Northern Song Dynasty was known as his "Slender Gold" style of calligraphy. Comparatively, existing documents illustrate that the talents of calligraphic specialists in Liao Dynasty hardly reached genius level as calligraphers abovementioned. In the perspective of calligraphic investigation, the author looks forward to finding out firm ties between Liao's civilization and Chinese cultural system, in hope of altering stereotype of Liao as foreigner and entitling it in the context of Chinese legitimacy. In this light, this research essentially aims to sort out as many as calligraphic specialists and writers in Liao Dynasty, particularly whose works are existent presently. The stories of these calligraphic specialist will be briefed orderly, with historical background to give readers a big picture about how calligraphy being spread in Liao's society. The fundamental work this research completes hopes to attract more scholarly momentum to devote to the study of calligraphic history in Liao dynasty. Hence, this essay collects and arranges the works in previous centuries with narration of Liao's calligraphic specialists, the biographies of Liao's calligraphic specialists written by scholars in current times, and Stone rubbings or inscriptions: texts of Catalogue of the Fangshan Stone Tripitaka, and Chinese Ancient Stone Rubbings Series. These three categories above help the author to distinguish 148 calligraphic writers with different social classes and occupations, including emperors, nobles, monks, Taoist priests and civilians. This diversity of their backgrounds suggests that calligraphic writings were common in Liao's society, particularly the writings of Buddha classics stimulated a variety of individuals, including monks and scholarly officials, in the calligraphic creations. This pattern of combination of religion and art makes calligraphic development in Liao's dynasty a marvelous one, leaving us an abundance of calligraphers and their works to be appreciated and examined by following scholars.

