  • 期刊


Viewpoints and Needs Assessment of Adolescents Receiving Counseling for Illicit Drug Use


本研究目的為瞭解高中職非法藥物使用者對於非法藥物使用輔導之看法及評估其需求。採用深度訪談法,以個別深度訪談訪問高職生曾經使用非法藥物者共13 名,將訪談內容轉謄為逐字稿,依據逐字稿進行主題內容分析。結果顯示,受訪者初次用藥在國中(61.54%)或高中(38.45%),藥物來源全部為朋友,包含自身為小藥頭、當打手的報酬、朋友分享等。受訪者目前均表示停止用藥,最短維持1 個月左右,最長至2 年。在青少年非法藥物輔導態度方面,受訪者認為以知識為主的青少年非法藥物輔導幫助有限;受訪者在乎父母親的感受,師長的影響力則視關係親疏而定,用藥行為使朋友結構改變,多與用藥朋友來往;少數受訪者認為自身可以控制用藥行為,多數受訪者則需採取一些策略,例如杜絕用藥朋友、尋找替代行為與建立興趣、轉移注意力;可以採用的策略包含尋求目標、改變朋友結構,從事正當休閒活動、接受法律制裁或戒治服務等。未來進行非法藥物使用學生輔導時,宜從多方面著手介入,以學生為中心,採用多元有效策略進行輔導。


This study was conducted to describe the viewpoints and needs assessments of adolescents receiving counseling for illicit drug use. Face-to-face interviews were held with 13 vocational school students who had experience with illicit drug use. Audio transcripts were translated verbatim and a content analysis was conducted to identify themes. The interviewees indicated that their first experiences with illicit drug use had been in junior high school (61.54%) or vocational school (38.45%). They received drugs from their friends or as a reward for selling drugs. At the time of this study, they had stopped using drugs for 1–24 months. Regarding their attitude toward counseling for illicit drug use, they reported that they did not have access to this type of counseling. Their parents' feelings were found to influence them, and their teachers influenced them regarding the relationships they had with other friends. Using illicit drugs changed the structures of their friendship networks to include more friends who used drugs and fewer friends who did not. Some of the interviewees reported being able to control their drug use, but most of them required some strategies to assist them with quitting, such as eliminating friends who use drugs, looking for alternative behaviors, establishing new interests, and shifting their concerns. Finally, they offered some approaches to triggering the intention not to use drugs, such as discovering life goals, changing the structures of their friendship networks, joining positive activities, and receiving legal sanctions or medical services. In the future, the counseling of adolescents regarding illicit drug use will require a multilevel approach.


