  • 期刊


A Survey Study on the Knowledge and Attitude of the Hazards of Typhoon and Rainstorm for the Elementary School Students


本研究採調查研究法,透過「颱風與豪雨防災知識及態度問卷」對全國1572名國小六年級學童進行調查,探討國小學童颱風豪雨防災知識及態度的現況。研究發現,全國學童颱風豪雨防災知識平均答對率約六成,顯示學童具備一般防災知識,但也存在一些錯誤觀念,其中對防災教育關係較大者為:一、颱風最大雨勢與最強風速出現在「颱風外圍」,二、颱風眼籠罩時,風雨不會減弱,三、海上警報與陸上警報發佈時間混淆。 颱風防災態度方面,學童大部分持正向態度,但對災害後工作較不積極,超過半數學童對颱風或豪雨發生後的可能影響並不關心。 在城鄉差異,都會區學童的防災態度顯著高於非都會區學童,而都會地區防災資訊取得方便是主要原因之一;但在防災知識,都會地區與非都會區的學童並無顯著差別;至於學童背景對防災知識(態度)的影響,研究顯示,學生家長教育程度、學童喜歡科學活動的程度以及閱讀科學讀物之習慣與防災知識(態度)為正相關,但學童喜歡的科目則與防災知識(態度)無關。


We conducted a survey to examine sixth graders' knowledge of typhoon and hazard prevention, and attitude toward hazard preventions in Taiwan. The result showed that the average correct rate for all items related t o knowledge of typhoon and hazard prevention was about 60%, which means the elementary school students had common knowledge. Nevertheless, we found that students held several misconceptions about typhoon and hazard prevent ions from the participants' responses. They were: (1) the strongest wind and rainfall surrounded the outside of typhoon and far from the center of typhoon; (2) the intensity of typhoon would not decrease when the center of typhoon is approaching; (3) confused forecast issue time between sea warning and land warning. The study also showed that most students held positive attitude toward hazard preventions, but over half of them seemed not to care about the reconstructive works after the hazards. The attitude toward hazard prevent ions was quite different between the urban and suburban students. The former had a significantly positive attitude than the latter even though there was no significant difference in their knowledge of typhoon and hazard prevention. We also found the educational level of students' parents, attitude toward science activities, and reading habit in science were positively correlated with knowledge of typhoon and hazard prevention, and attitude toward hazard preventions. Nevertheless, if students favored science courses was not a factor to influence their knowledge of typhoon and hazard prevention, and attitude toward hazard preventions.


