  • 期刊


The Pilot Study for the Perception of the College Students and the Parents of Primary School Students about the Magan's Law and Its Implementation in Taiwan


梅根法案要求執法機構對釋放之性侵者應執行「警局登記」及「社區公告」,然引發多件槍殺性侵者與縱火案件,並有社會敵意與社會防衛如何平衡的爭論。研究者提出「增加社會防衛減少社會敵意」的修正版方案,調查中南部的某大學107名大學生及某小學211名小學生家長對原版與修正版梅根法案的想法及建議。結果發現,小學生家長(66.6%)比大學生(25.7%)更支持原版梅根法案(T=-8.70,p =0.00);但了解原版法案在美國的影響後,小學生家長(69.5%)卻比大學生(50.5%)更支持社區內公告性侵者人數之修訂版方案(T =-3.247,p =0.01),本研究得到對於國內實施梅根法案之個別差異看法,並認為若政策有適當之說明與宣導,民眾的接受度也會提高。


Some pioneer prevention programs for sex offense were developed in America, and the most controversial one is the Megan's Law, which ordered the released sex offenders should report to the Police and the personal information should be released to the public for safety reason. However, some gunshots and arsons happened toward the offenders and the controversy continued in America. Therefore, it should be cautious on how to induce this program. The authors submitted an amend program to increase the social defense and to decrease the social hostility based on only notifying the number of the release offenders and notifying the personal information only if he did not report the police and participate treatment. This pilot study collected data from a group of college students and the parents of primary school students for asking the perception and suggestions for the original and amended Megan's Law. It was found that the parents (66.6%) supported original Megan's Law more than college student (25.7%) , especially on notification (T =-8.70, p =0.00). However, after learned the murders and arsons happened in American, the parents (87.5%) supported the amended program more than college student (72.4%)(T =-3.247, p =0.01) . Moreover, the parents supported release the personal information to the public only for the high risk offender more than the college students. The results showed the parents of primary school students had higher expectancy no matter which version of Megan's Law, since they had kids. The answers of quality questions also show the individual difference, which might mean the acceptance of the public might higher if the proper introduction of new prevention program.


rape sex offense sexual offense sex offender Megan's Law


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內政部家庭暴力及性侵害防治委員會 2012 101 年度性侵害犯罪事件通報統計。 【統計資訊】。2013 年4 月3 日下載於http://dspc.moi.gov.tw/lp.asp?ctNode=1445&CtUnit=79&BaseDSD=7&mp=1
法務部矯正署 2012 性侵害案件統計分析。 【矯正統計分析】。2012 年5 月。2013 年3月24 日下載於 http://www.mjac.moj.gov.tw/lp.asp?ctNode=30187&CtUnit=10384&BaseDSD=7&mp=801
旺旺中時民調中心 2011 公布性侵累犯姓名照片 82%力挺 不准假釋 92%支持。 【中時電子報】。2011 年3 月30 日。2013 年3 月24 日下載於http://blog.chinatimes.com/apollo/archive/2011/03/30/636062.html.
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