  • 期刊


A Republican Royal Wedding: The Xuantong Emperor's Marriage and the Dynasty's Final Struggle


中研院史語所新近在其庋藏明清檔案裡, 發現宣統十四年(1922)內務府掌禮司的堂行簿與堂諭檔。這些檔冊揭示史語所早期蒐羅之檔案,非僅限於清末從「內閣大庫」輾轉流出,來源或許更為多元。這兩份檔冊攸關一場在共和國裡備受矚目的皇室婚禮,本文嘗試以此為基礎,輔以《大婚典禮進奉銜名物品冊》等相關檔案,同時參酌報刊、筆記、日記與回憶錄等各類史料,探討這場世紀婚禮的歷史意義。身為婚禮的男主角,溥儀注定成為命運捉弄的龍種:擁抱民國理想的批判者,期望他潛龍勿用,安身當共和的新民;繾綣皇朝故舊的遺老們,卻指望他躍淵飛天,立命成中興的共主。大婚典禮是宣示成年的溥儀醞釀「恢復祖業」的開端,而民國政府不得不對蠢蠢欲動的帝制殘餘勢力進行最後的了斷。取消遜清帝號與廢除清室優遇的各種輿論呼籲,終落實為國會正式的提案,最後溥儀更被迫倉皇出宮。這場大婚不僅是溥儀個人邁向成年的「過渡儀式」,註記其成長的關鍵轉變,同時也是近代中國從帝制轉向共和的「過渡儀式」,預示了帝制殘餘轉向共和新制的最後掙扎。而淑妃文繡當初按照皇朝宮廷的規矩成親,最後卻透過共和國家的法律訴求離異,恰好為在中華民國裡苟延殘喘的「宣統」紀元劃上反諷的句號。


內閣大庫 溥儀 大婚 遺老 優待清室條款


Recently uncovered documents in the Ming-Qing archives of the Institute of History and Philology pertain to the abdicated Xuantong Emperor's royal wedding ceremony of 1922. Based on these documents, an extant copy of the "Wedding Gift Registry for the Royal Wedding" stored in the National Library in Beijing, as well as relevant newspapers, manuscripts, diaries, and memoirs, this article argues that the only royal wedding in the Chinese republic contributed to the final collapse of the monarchy. Puyi's wedding to the Empress and the Consort marked a "rite of passage" for both his personal life and the final transition from imperial to republican China. While Qing loyalists were congregating in Beijing to celebrate Puyi's wedding, supporters of the republic feared that Puyi's coming-of-age would revive his remnant monarchy. Republicans discussed annulling his title as emperor and the Articles of Favorable Treatment, and in two years Puyi was expelled from the Forbidden City. Ironically, Puyi's Consort, Wenxiu married the Xuantong Emperor in a traditional royal ceremony but ended up divorcing her husband through the legal provisions of the republic in 1931, marking a twisted finale to Puyi's troubled reign.


《中央研究院歷史語言研究所藏明清史料》,檔號 292235:〈掌禮司.宣統十四年.堂行簿〉。
《中央研究院歷史語言研究所藏明清史料》,檔號 292237:〈掌禮司.宣統十四年.堂諭檔〉。
