  • 期刊


Exploring Gender Education from Workplace Gender Ethics


「性別主流化 」(Gender mainstreaming)乃聯合國近幾年於全世界推行的一個概念,是指所有政策活動與資源配置,均須落實「性別」此核心意識,以反映真正的性別平等。準此,大學校園中實施性別教育重點亦應隨之調整,從過往強調兩性如何相處之道,直搗政策與資源配置之權力本身,且應使學生能充分理解此種變革精神之所在,進而日後參與職場性別倫理運作之現場不至於困窘且對應無門。本文主旨在從職場性別倫理其建立之必要性與面臨之挑戰,探討性別教學的內涵與技術層面。研究方式乃以二項電影文本所反映出來的性別問題作為探討的起點,其一是「北國性騷擾」(North Country),探討意識為「集體的職場性騷擾」,其二是「醜陋的真相」(The Ugly Truth),探討意識為「職場權力與性別權力的角力與取捨」,希望藉此不僅能深化性別教學研究領域內涵,同時,也能回饋於實際教學面,利用電影文本中各性別角色容易犯的性別迷思刺激學生思考以喚醒其性別知覺,並為共同製造校園性別友善氛圍而努力。


"Gender Mainstreaming" is a concept promoted in the world by United Nations in recent years, it refers to that all policy activities and resource allocations must implement this core of gender awareness in order to reflect true gender equality. Based on this, the implementation of gender education in university campus should also be adjusted accordingly, and be targeted on the power of policy and resource allocation itself directly, so that students can fully understand the spirit of such change, and then not be embarrassed and not be restricted in response when later managing gender ethics in workplace. This paper aims to explore the connotation and the technical aspects of gender education from the necessity of establishing workplace gender ethics and the challenges it faces. The research method takes gender issues reflected in the text of two films as starting point of exploration, the first film is "North Country", it explores the awareness of "collective sexual harassment", and the second film is "The Ugly Truth", it explores the awareness of "struggle and trade-offs of workplace power and gender power". It is expected that this study can not only deepen the connotation of gender education curriculum, and in the meantime also feedback to teaching aspect, as well as use the blind spots each gender role likely to commit in the film text to stimulate students to think and awaken their perception of gender sensitivity.


gender ethics gender equality gender power


弗里茲˙克萊恩著,陳雅汝譯,2007,《異 / 同之外:雙性戀》(雙性戀研究經典),台北。
