  • 期刊

Method of Correlation Among Fermentation Acids and Reducing Power from Substrate Degradation Applied to Investigate the Electrochemistry Process of Rumen Microbial Fuel Cells (RMFCs)







Microorganisms with cellulolytic properties in the rumen, the major digestive organ of ruminants, and native fiber substrate would be utilized for electricity generation in this study. Experiments made attempted to establish correlations between substrate fermentation acids and reducing power from substrate degradation by rumen microorganisms because it has been rarely noted but is important to realize the electrochemistry reaction of rumen microbial fuel cells (RMFCs). Resulting evidence shows that the production of organic acids could result simultaneously in the releasing of electrons, substrate consumption and changing the reducing power of the anolyte. In addition, the correlation between the acetate propionate ratio (C2:C3) and redox potential (ORP) was -0.712 (P<0.05), which would further affect the theoretical voltage as the correlation between the voltage and C2:C3 was 0.687 (P<0.05). Indirectly, negative correlation between the ORP of the anolyte and electricity was established, as was a stronger reducing power. The findings from this study provided correlations among fermentation organic acids, reducing power and electricity, which will facilitate the improvement of electricity output from RMFCs.
