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Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Culture: Situations and Trends



在這篇文章中,我們綜述現今虱目魚(Chanos chanos)的生物学研究,提供其生態生活史,繁殖学,仔魚產量,養殖方法,遺傳学上的资訊和商業上之重要性。虱目魚是虱目魚科中唯一的魚種,屬暖水性海水魚類,在亞洲-太平洋區域被廣泛的養殖,現在是東南亞地區最重要的養殖魚種。對於印尼、菲律賓和台灣而言,虱目魚養殖佔有重要的經濟價值。自2000年開始,台灣每年總產量超過四十五萬公噸。然而,虱目魚產量面臨極限,最主要的原因是仔魚供給上的限制。傳統上虱目魚產量是依靠野生魚苗的捕獲,但是虱目魚的種魚人工孵化場,已經成功的完成了人工繁殖。目前虱目魚產量最主要來自於人工養殖,在台灣成功和發達的企業中,虱目魚人工繁殖魚苗的外銷,在經濟上佔有重要的地位。


In this article, we present an overview of milkfish (Chanos chanos) culture, in order to provide basic information on its life history, reproductive biology, fry production, culture methods, and genetics as well as its commercial importance. Milkfish is a warm-water marine species, and its culture is widespread in the Asian-Pacific region; it is a unique species in the family Chanidae. Currently milkfish is an important brackish water aquaculture species in Southeast Asia and represents an important component of the fisheries sector and national economy in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Taiwan; in Taiwan, annual total production has surpassed 450,000 metric tons since 2000. However, milkfish production is faced with limitations, the most significant of which is the unpredictable and limited supply of fry. Milkfish production comes mostly from aquaculture, and the availability of fry for stocking plays an important role in the success and development of the industry. Traditionally milkfish production relied on the capture of fry from the wild; but important attempts have been made to develop milkfish broodstock-hatchery technology, and significant successes have been achieved in the artificial propagation of this species.
