  • 期刊


A Study of Traveling Expenditures of Taiwanese Households from an Engel Curve Perspective Using Quantile Regression


考量家戶旅遊支出可能存在的異質性問題,本研究採用分量迴歸(quantile regression)計量方法,利用1976年至2005年橫跨30年期間的臺灣家庭收支調查資料(survey of family income and expenditure),估計家戶旅遊支出的恩格爾曲線(Engelcurve),觀察經濟快速成長過程中,社會經濟及社會人口因素轉變對於旅遊支出決策之影響。實證結果顯示,旅遊支出的異質性除了存在於邊際消費傾向外,同時也受制於其不同條件分配下之家戶特性。同時,經濟成長一致帶來家戶旅遊支出的增加,但是國內、外旅遊支出份額的變化,則取決於家戶的人口特性。


Considering the possible heterogeneity of traveling expenditure among households, this study estimates the Engel curve of household traveling expenditures in Taiwan based on quantile regression. By using data from the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure of Taiwan over the past three decades (1976-2005), we are able to observe the changing patterns of Engel curves in response to fast economic growth along with the evolution of socio-economic and socio-demographic factors. Empirical results show that heterogeneity across the conditional distribution of traveling expenditures was evident not only in the marginal propensity to consume on travel but also in other household characteristics. Consequently, economic growth lead to higher expenditures on traveling consistently, while the proportions of domestic versus overseas traveling are crucially determined by household demographic characteristics.


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