  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationship between Entrance Channels, Family Background and Test Scores-Implications for Equality and Efficiency of Entrance Channels


臺灣的高中聯考於2001學年正式廢除,並於同年正式實施多元入學,多元入學最常引發的質疑為公平性問題。本研究計畫之資料採用2001年開始進行的全國性樣本「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS)進行分析,實證方法主要採用多元邏輯迴歸模型(multinomial logit model)。本文的實證結果並未發現家庭社經背景較佳的學生傾向以推薦甄試或申請入學管道入學而不選擇聯考,相反地,高社經背景的學生反而傾向以聯考管道入學。此外,在結合TEPS高中職第二波樣本後也發現,在控制學生的先備能力、社經背景、學校以及認真作答的潛在影響下,透過推薦甄試入學的學生測驗成績相較於聯考入學的學生表現更佳,此現象在高中尤其明顯。總結來說,在高中階段,多元入學並未製造更多的不公平,而且其中的推薦甄試提供了較聯考入學更有效率的學生與學校媒合。


To improve the senior high school entrance system and encourage normal development of junior high school education, the old joint entrance exam was abolished, and the multiple channel entrance program was officially enacted in 2001 throughout the country. This new system, however, has been widely criticized for its bias in favor of students with better socio-economic backgrounds and may jeopardize the equality of educational opportunity. Using data from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) and multinomial logit models, we attempt to examine the hypothesis that the socio-economically advantaged students are more likely to enter high schools by channels of school recommendation or individual application instead of the joint entrance exam. Our empirical results show no evidence to support this hypothesis. Instead, we find that students with high socioeconomic backgrounds tend to enter high school by way of the joint entrance exam. In addition, we also find that those students who enter high schools via school recommendation perform better than those entering via joint entrance exam in terms of test scores in their third year in high school. In sum, the multiple channel high school entrance program does not create inequality. In terms of match between students and schools, the channel of school recommendation is more efficient than the joint entrance exam.


林志成 2011 〈明年提高甄選入學比例,清、交達7 成〉。中時電子報,10 月5 日。2011 年10 月5 日,取自http://life.chinatimes.com/life/11051801/112011100500040.html (Lin, Chihcheng,2011, “Tsing Hua and Chiao Tung University Will Admit 70 Percent of Applicants from School Recommendation or Individual Application Next Year,” China Times Web, October 5, Retrieved October 5, 2011, from http://life.chinatimes.com/life/11051801/112011100500040.html)
