  • 學位論文


Conflict management styles and stereotypes in organizations with a multicultural setting

指導教授 : 葛明伊




多元文化 衝突


This thesis’s purpose is to study people from two different cultural clusters, the Anglo and Confucian clusters, within the context of a cross-cultural GMBA program. The goal is to compare the conflict management styles and the stereotypes among those two cultural clusters and analyze how these could be affected by the exposure to the GMBA program. For that, we will first explore the literature and previous studies about cultures, stereotypes and conflict management styles. Then we will explore the literature about two opposing theories, the culture fit and the cultural adaptation theories. The observations of the GMBA program and its students’ conflict management styles and stereotypes revolves around the possibility of the students to learn and adapt to the group from the other culture (cultural adaptation) or the possibility of the students sticking to their cultural values and not changing (culture fit). To run this observation, we have created a case study around the NTU GMBA program, and we have surveyed and interviewed its students in order to understand if they adapted to each other, and, in case of adaptation, what allowed it to happen.


cross-culture stereotypes conflict


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