  • 學位論文


Applying Frequent-Pattern Trees in Data Mining to Evaluate Users' Physical Fitness and Mental Health Conditions

指導教授 : 黃有評 張文中




Due to the pressure from daily life, there is an increase in depression population. The diagnosis and treatment of depression is indispensible for patients. The severity of depression is an important reference factor before psychiatric outpatient service. But the traditional questionnaire is answered by pen on the papers. Then, the responded questionnaire is analyzed by professional assistants. In this way, we could not determine the depression degree immediately. This study is aimed on designing a physical fitness and mental health evaluation system that includes depression, anxiety disorder, sleep quality, children's physical activity and alcohol screening. Patients can answer questionnaire and browse the results directly on the system before outpatient service. The responded questionnaire and analyzed results are automatically uploaded and saved to the cloud database. This study applies frequent pattern trees (FP-tree) and frequent pattern growth (FP-growth) algorithms to discover all the common associations among the records. A new patient's responded questionnaire can be compared with the data mining results that can provide psychiatrists with valuable information to make more accurate diagnosis. This research analyzed the association rules from combinations of various grade intervals of 3~5, minimum supports of 10~30% and minimum confidence of 50~80% on the actual 25,534 records in our database. The result shows that the proposed system can find frequent itemsets and interesting association rules from databases. In addition, the simulation results from randomly generated data of anxiety disorder, sleep quality, and alcohol screening are also valuable references for psychiatrists to diagnose psychiatry.


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