  • 學位論文


A Study on Appling SOA Cloud Computing Services on the HR Systems of TFT-LCD Industry

指導教授 : 黃天佑


隨著雲端運算基礎架構的發展,如何結合企業資訊服務與外部雲端運算資源,是當前重要的研究課題。目前市面上一些主要的資服業者,如Google、IBM以及HP 等,大力推動並提供強大雲端運算能力與完善的應用服務環境;然而目前雲端運算架構多需將整體應用與資料放置於外部平台,引發企業導入雲端運算時控制權移轉與資訊安全的疑慮。為解決雲端運算所衍生出內外部資源有效配置的問題,與企業導入上的資安疑慮,本研究結合雲端運算與服務導向架構,發展出雲端運算服務導向架構運作機制,包含服務串接、資源配置、資料控管與管理機制,並依照這些運算機制建構出以服務介面層、中心控管層、服務供應層與基礎架構層組成的『雲端運算服務導向架構平台』。 本研究首先整理和服務導向架構、雲端運算及人力資源系統的相關文獻,作為本研究發展理論架構的基礎。本研究使用服務導向架構來發展這套於虛擬化雲端平台下的人力資源系統,透過雲端運算為基礎 ,並符合服務導向的精神,再利用產業分析法來探討SOA雲端服務,最後使用雛型法來驗証其在 SOA架構在應用上的程度。


With the development of cloud computing infrastructure, how to combine business information services and external cloud computing resources, is currently an important research topic. Currently on the market some of the major funding services industry, such as Google, IBM and HP, large efforts to promote and provide a powerful cloud computing capabilities and improve application service environment; However, the current cloud computing architecture and more need to overall application and data placed on the external platform, When importing enterprise cloud computing trigger control migration and security concerns. Cloud computing to solve internal and external resources are derived from the efficient allocation problems, and information security concerns on imported enterprises, this study combines cloud computing and service-oriented architecture, the development of cloud computing, service-oriented architecture operating mechanism, including cascaded services, resources configuration, data control and management mechanism, and in accordance with these operators to construct mechanisms "cloud computing service-oriented architecture platform" service interface layer, the central control layer, service layer and the supply infrastructure layers. This research and related literature finishing service-oriented architecture, cloud computing, and human resource information system, as the theoretical framework of the research and development foundation. This study uses a service-oriented architecture to develop this human resource information system in virtualized cloud platforms, via cloud computing-based, service-oriented and in line with the spirit to explore cloud services SOA reuse industry analysis, prototyping method last used to verify the extent of the applications in SOA .


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