  • 學位論文


Study of Heart Rate Variability during Gated Respiration

指導教授 : 胡威志


本研究期望明確量化呼吸頻率對自律神經所產生的影響,透過實驗設計達到實際觀察自主神經系統活性的目的。研究利用光體積變化描記圖 (Photoplethysmography, PPG)生理訊號擷取裝置收集量測並記錄大學男性與女性各十六位受試者隨設定之呼吸頻率吸吐氣之脈波訊號,擷取之訊號傳輸至電腦通過數位濾波、心跳間期計算,透過Poincaré plot檢驗心跳間期之正確性後,將心率重新取樣為5Hz的時間序列,時間序列再經快速傅立葉轉換(Fast Fourier Transform, FFT)後以頻譜進行分析檢驗心率變異度(Heart Rate Variability, HRV),藉以量化呼吸頻率與自主神經(Auto Neuro System, ANS)之間的調節功能與關係。 研究結果顯示,受試者男女性在FFT時序特徵峰偏差均為2%上下(男生:2.17% ,女生:1.73%);時序顯現比率男性為97.8%,女性為100%。心率變異度頻譜特徵峰準確度均於97%上下(男生: 96.61% ,女生:97.11%),證明人體於短期內特定呼吸頻率與心率變異度呈現高度相關性;性別間差異度則趨近於0。 研究成果與過去文獻提出之HRV和呼吸頻率有相關性的質化現象相吻合,本研究則於此基礎上透過HRV頻譜量化了呼吸頻率特徵峰,證明受試者可透過強控呼吸頻率以達到短時間內改變自主神經活性達到生物回饋法的效果。


The aim of the study is to observe how gated respiration affects the Autonomic nervous system (ANS). In our study, we develop a Photo plethysmography (PPG) device to record a pulse pressure waveform (a physiology signals) for ten minutes from total 32 (16 male and 16 female) healthy subjects. Within the testing ten minutes, subjects follow inhalation and exhalation rhythm provided by an APP. The recorded PPG pulse signal will be processed and extract the pulsing interval and recorded as heartbeat interval. After checking the correctness of heartbeat interval, the heartbeat intervals were resampled into 5Hz time series data. The data were converted into frequency domain using Short Term Fourier Transformation (STFT) to identify frequency components of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). From the HRV frequency, we were able to examine the relationship between respiratory rate and ANS quantitatively. As the result, the high frequency components of HRV (the peak at High frequency band) were 98% agree with the designed respiratory rate. The different from predictions were only 2.17% for male subjects and 1.73% for female subjects. Furthermore, from the careful examination of STFT data, the subjects were having full concentration of following the pacing of breathing pattern closely. The result of this study is in agreement with the qualitative phenomenon of HRV and respiratory rate.


Biofeedback HRV Respiratory Rate Gated Respiration


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