  • 學位論文


A study of the psychological experiences and related dimensions of adult women being the intruder in the romantic relationship.

指導教授 : 蕭文


本研究旨在探討在愛情關係中,年齡介於18至35歲成年女性成為第三者的心理經驗及相關心理層面,其中包含了成年女性第三者在愛情關係中的心理經驗、內在的掙扎與衝突、自我角色覺察及自我調適等。 本研究採取質性研究的半結構式訪談方式蒐集資料,依據研究目的選取符合條件之受訪者三位,共同參與本研究,訪談後進行資料分析,主要的研究結果發現如下: 一、成年女性第三者之心理經驗包含:關係的展開、致命的吸引力、情感上的陷入等。 二、成年女性第三者內在的掙扎和衝突過程包含:情緒壓力的衝擊、情感上的卻步、在掙扎和游移中繼續交往關係、關係的結束等。 三、成年女性第三者對自我角色的覺察包含:不具立場的第三者、自我認同的分歧、對關係的再認定等。 四、成年女性第三者的自我調適內容包含:努力找回自我、從關係中獲得的學習。 最後,研究者根據研究結果加以討論,並依據研究結果提供若干建議以作為未婚女性 、成年女性第三者、專業助人者及未來研究者之參考依據。


The purpose of this study was to explore the psychological experiences and related dimensions of adult(age18-35) women being the intruder in a romantic relationship.It contains psychological experiences, internal struggles and conflicts,self-role awareness and self adjustment of adult women.The qualitatice semi-structured interview was used to collect text.After analyzing the interview of three participants,the results were as follows: 1. The psychological experiences of adult women being the intruder in a romantic relationship include three parts:the beginning of relationship,the fatal attraction and falling into love. 2. The internal struggles and conflicts process of adult women being the intruder in a romantic relationship include four parts: impact of emotional stress, affectiona withdraw, continuing the relationship in the struggles and hesitation,and the termination of relationship. 3. The self-role awareness of adult women being the intruder in the romantic relationship include: the unqualified role, divergence of self-identity and reframing of the relationship. 4. The self adaptation of adult women being the intruder in the romantic relationship include: striving to find herself and learning from the relationship. Finally,the researcher attempted to provide some suggestions for those who being the intruder in the romantic relationship,the professional helpers,and future researchers.


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