  • 學位論文


The Effect of Metacognitive Awareness and Listening Test Anxiety on EFL Learners’ Listening Achievement

指導教授 : 朱錫琴


摘要 近八年來,臺灣的入學測驗增加英語聽力的題型,以測驗國中與高中畢業學生對英語理解的程度。 英語聽力測驗和其他類型英語測驗的差異在於「聽覺訊息」的稍縱即逝,且參加聽力測驗的考生必須在有限的測驗時間內,理解聽力內容,並予以作答,然而,這對考生而言是具有相當難度的,尤其是對於英語非母語的考生而言,因此,當面對具有相當難度且需要高度專注的標準化英語測驗 (如:多益), 考生極有可能因高壓的考試情境產生負面情緒,尤其是測驗焦慮。鑒於教育上的考量,教育實務工作者及英語學習者實有必要深入瞭解引發聽力測驗焦慮的根本潛在因素。 除了探討聽力測驗焦慮對考生考試表現的影響外,考生在聽力測驗期間,仍有可能受到其他因素影響,如:使用策略的方式及對考試內容的認知等,因此,本研究在探究聽力測驗焦慮對學習者測驗表現的影響之外,亦會探討考生後設認知程度對其測驗表現之影響,及後設認知與聽力測驗焦慮的交互關係。 據文獻定義,測驗焦慮為一種於特定情境中被觸發的焦慮特性,其所包含的面向基本上可分為四個大項: (1) 擔憂(Worry) (2) 情緒性(Emotionality) (3) 無關考試的想法(Test-Irrelevant Thinking) (4) 生理症狀(Bodily Symptoms),由於研究情境的需求,特將「擔憂」及「情緒性」這兩個項目劃分為特定「情境人格特徵」(Situation-Specific Personality Trait) 此一大項,而將「無關考試的想法」及「生理症狀」歸類為另一大項「認知干擾」(Cognitive Interference),並分別探究兩個項目對考生聽力測驗表現的影響。 此外,文獻顯示,學習者的後設認知程度,對於其測驗表現有所關聯,因此,本研究依據文獻中的分類,參考現實研究情境,將「後設認知」分為三個向度,分別為「人際知識」(Person Knowledge)、「任務知識」(Task Knowledge)及「策略知識」(Strategy Knowledge),並分別探討其與聽力測驗焦慮的相互關係,及其對於考生聽力測驗表現的影響。 由於以「英語為外語(EFL)」之大學生為研究對象的文獻資料較少,因此本研究聚焦於臺灣的英語學習環境,及大學生於英語聽力測驗情境下之反應,旨在探討過去文獻中所認定測驗焦慮之概念,是否確實影響聽力測驗之表現,並探討過去文獻中所提及之後設認知與聽力測驗表現之關聯性。 本研究經由改編現有相關文獻中之量表題目,建構一結合聽力測驗焦慮及後設認知之量表,透過皮爾生相關係數(Pearson Correlation Coefficient)、分層回歸(Hierarchical Multiple Regression)進行統計分析。研究結果發現:所得實徵資料能適配研究所建構的模式,支持研究假設,進行量表驗證,以驗明英語聽力測驗焦慮及後設認知對於聽力測驗表現之影響。 研究結果顯示,研究假設之五向度因素結構,包含「情境人格特徵」、「認知干擾」、「人際知識」、「任務知識」及「策略知識」,其中「情境人格特徵」對於考生的聽力測驗表現有著顯著的負面影響,而後設認知中只有「人際知識」及「策略知識」對考生的聽力測驗表現有著顯著的正面影響。 本研究在教學實務上的涵義有二。對於英語學習者而言,得利用聽力測驗焦慮量表,了解構成自身聽力測驗焦慮的成因,並有效利用後設認知及相關策略調整應考模式。其二,對於英語教育者而言,透過了解聽力測驗焦慮可能的成因,可協助學生運用相關策略來降低焦慮程度及適應聽力測驗情境,並可善用學習者的後設認知來擬定適合的應考策略。 未來的研究方向可以本研究為基礎,延續探討聽力測驗焦慮及後設認知相關議題,甚或是延伸此觀點至如何提高學生的測驗表現上。 關鍵字:聽力測驗焦慮、後設認知、聽力測驗、皮爾生相關係數、分層回歸


ABSTRACT Over the past eight years, Taiwan's educational authorities have adopted comprehensive listening tests as one examination item in the junior high and senior high school entrance tests. The difference between English listening tests and other types of English tests is that listening tests are dependent on the quality of the audio input (e.g., transiency). Moreover, candidates who take the listening test must understand the listening content within a limited amount of time and immediately answer examination questions. However, this is quite difficult for candidates, especially for candidates who are not native English speakers. Therefore, candidates are most likely to experience test anxiety due to high-pressure situations when facing standardized English tests such as the TOEIC test, which are quite difficult and require a high degree of concentration. Given these considerations, education specialists and English learners should understand the underlying factors that cause anxiety during listening tests. In addition to test anxiety, candidates may be affected by other factors during listening tests, such as test-taking strategies and knowledge of test content. Therefore, this study also explores the impact of metacognitive awareness on test-takers’ listening test performance and the interrelation between metacognitive awareness and listening test anxiety. Test anxiety is defined in the study as a certain anxiety triggered by a specific situation, and it can be divided into four phenomena: (1) Worry, (2) Emotionality, (3) Test-Irrelevant Thinking, and (4) Bodily Symptoms. Based on actual testing context, “Worry” and “Emotionality” are considered “Situation-Specific Personality Traits”, while “Test-Irrelevant Thinking” and “Bodily Symptoms” are classified as “Cognitive Interference.” This study focuses on the potential influence of situation-specific personality traits and cognitive interference on test-takers’ listening test performance. Past studies have shown that a learner's metacognitive awareness was positively related to their test performance. This study divides metacognitive awareness into three subcategories “Person Knowledge”, “Task Knowledge”, and “Strategic Knowledge” based on definitions in previous studies and real-world test data, and discusses the relationship between these three subcategories and test-takers’ listening test performance. Since few studies on the emotional responses of college students to EFL listening tests exist, this study focuses on the English learning environment in Taiwan and the responses of college students to the English listening tests. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the established concept of test anxiety that previous studies have identified actually affects test performance and to discuss the relationship between metacognitive awareness and listening test performances. Adapting items from past studies, this study constructs a scale that includes both “Listening Test Anxiety” and “Metacognitive Awareness”, and analyzes these items through the lens of the Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Hierarchical Multiple Regression. The statistical results show that listening test anxiety, metacognitive awareness and listening test performance are correlated. Moreover, statistical analysis indicates that among the five main independent variables included in this study, only the “Situation-Specific Personality Trait” category exerts a significant negative influence on participants’ listening test performance. However, “Person Knowledge” and “Strategy Knowledge” have significant positive influence on participants’ listening test performance. This study provides two important implications for higher education. English learners now have the opportunity to understand what is causing their anxiety during listening tests, and now have strategies such as metacognitive awareness that may help them avoid anxiety during listening tests. English-language educators are now able to assist learners in improving their listening test performance with strategies that reduce the anxiety during these kinds of tests and to help learners become familiar with listening test context. Furthermore, educators can also help learners take advantage of their metacognitive awareness to devise appropriate test-taking strategies. Future research should focus on the relevant issues of listening test anxiety and metacognitive awareness and extend this study’s parameters to improve students’ test performance. Keywords: Listening Test Anxiety, Metacognitive Awareness, Listening Test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Hierarchical Multiple Regression


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