  • 學位論文

食蛇龜(Cuora flavomarginata)的身體質量狀況: 野生及圈養環境下的變化

Body Mass Condition in the Yellow-Margined Box Turtle (Cuora flavomarginata): Variation in Wild and Captive Environments

指導教授 : 陳添喜博士


本研究利用五種不同之狀況指數(Condition Index, CI)作為食蛇龜(Cuora flavomarginata)身體狀況評估的方法,並探討狀況指數應用於食蛇龜的可行性、適合作為食蛇龜身體狀況評估的狀況指數算式、野生族群與圈養族群之差異。本研究以1996-1997年台北翡翠水庫水源保護區之食蛇龜野生族群當作標準族群,將其以五種不同的狀況指數換算,並使用狀況指數須符合的條件進行檢定,再與2012-2013年的翡翠水庫水源保護區之野生族群及中興大學、屏東科技大學野生動物收容中心兩處地區所收容之圈養族群進行比較。本研究以食蛇龜之形值測量為主要資料蒐集,資料蒐集時間以食蛇龜生活特性分為三個季節;產卵季(7月)、渡冬期(1月)及渡冬結束產卵季尚未開始時期(4月)。本研究結果顯示,符合狀況指數使用檢定的算式為M/(CL*CW*SH) (體重與龜甲的長寬高乘積之兩數相除) 及log (M/M’) (實際體重測量值與利用廻歸關係式求得預測值,取對數轉換),因此以上述兩種算式作為適合評估食蛇龜身體狀況的指數。由狀況指數的季節變化發現,母龜的狀況指數在每個月份都高於公龜,並公母龜在產卵季(六月、七月)時狀況指數偏低,本研究的結果顯示公母食蛇龜的狀況指數於季節的差異統計上並不顯著,唯有部分的趨勢與前人的研究相似,仍可作為部分食蛇龜狀況指數於季節變化的參考。圈養族群和野生族群間狀況指數的差異比較,本研究結果發現透過分布圖可以更清楚瞭解野生及圈養族群間狀況指數的差異,結果顯示圈養族群的狀況指數明顯高於野生族群,又以屏東科技大學野生動物收容中心收容之圈養族群有較高的狀況指數。在圈養環境空間有限又提供過豐的食物資源的情況下,可能造成圈養族群的食蛇龜身體狀況較差於野生族群。本研究透過非侵入性方法來了解動物的身體狀況,期望能夠提供長期、有效的食蛇龜野生族群監測與圈養族群管理參考。


In this study I used five different Condition Index(CI) as an assessment of Cuora flavomarginata’s body mass condition for investigating the feasibility of Condition Index apply to Cuora flavomarginata, and determined which Condition Index suits to evaluate the body mass condition of Cuora flavomarginata, then compared the differences between wild turtles and captive ones. Data in this study, I use the wild population turtles(1996-1997) in Feitsui Reservoir Protected Area, northern Taiwan, as a standard population to compare with another wild population turtles(2012-2013)in Feitsui Reservoir Protected Areas, and two collections of captive turtles: National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) and Ping Tung Rescue Center(PTRC) of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology(NPUST). In the meantime, I putting this standard population into five different Condition Index conversion, and proceed the test which Condition Index should be qualified for. The main material is measurements of turtle’s body size. The collection time can be divided into three seasons regarding to Cuora flavomarginata’s life trait;nesting season(Jul.)、inactive season (Jan.)、after inactive season and before nesting season(Apr.). The result of this study shows that M/(CL*CW*SH) and log (M/M’)are the two most applicable Condition Index for Cuora flavomarginata. From the seasonal variation of condition Index, I discover the female turtle's condition index is higher than the male turtles in every month, and the males and females’ Condition Index are both lower in the nesting season. The result of this study shows that there is no significant difference between females and males’ condition index. However, the partial pattern is similar to the senior research, and it can be the reference of Condition Index in seasonal variation of Cuora flavomarginata as well. Through frequency distribution of Condition Index, we can understand better the difference of condition index between captive and wild ones. And the result of this study shows that Condition Index of captive turtles is higher than wild ones in average, and especially for NPUST. Under the limited space and overabundant food resource circumstances, it could cause a problem which the captive turtle's body condition is weaker than the wild ones. This study used noninvasive methods to understand animal’s body mass condition, and hopefully can provide a long term and effective reference for monitor wild population of Cuora flavomarginata and management of captive turtles as well


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