
體育學報/Physical Education Journal

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中華民國體育學會/National Society of Physical Education, Republic of China,正常發行


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Purpose: To investigate the effects of caffeine ingestion on heart rate variability (HRV) and repeated high-intensity sprints performance in recreational athlete. Methods: Fourteen university males with a background in team-sport training and competition participated in this randomized grouping, double-blinded and crossover experimental design. Participants performed the exercise test on a cycling ergometer after ingestion of either caffeine (CAF, 6 mg•kg^(-1)) or placebo (PLA). The exercise was consisted 24×4-s sprints with 90-s active recovery. The HRV was evaluated in supine position for 60 minutes after the administration of supplementation. Results: Standard deviation of normal-normal RR interval in the CAF trial (143.83±42.45 ms) was significantly higher than in the PLA trial (108.03±31.37 ms, p<.05). No significant differences were observed in low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), LF/HF ratio, and coefficients of variation in HF between CAF and PLA trials. However, the coefficient of variation in LF was significantly higher in the CAF trial (5.05±1.91 %) compared with PLA trial (3.87±1.42 %, p<.05). CAF trial resulted in 2.82% increases in peak power (p<.001) and 3.32 % increases in mean power (p<.001) compared with PLA trial. Conclusion: Ingestion of caffeine prior to vigorous exercise slightly increases autonomic nervous activity, and improves sprint performance during repeated high-intensity test.

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目的:本研究的目的主要是要探討不同線徑大小之合成網球拍網線的材料特性。以市售網線線徑大小爲15至18 gauge等四種的有心線,實心線,無心線等不同結構設計的網線,探討勁度及最大位移量等機械特性隨線徑大小改變的差異性。方法:實驗藉由萬能材料試驗機將各種網球線分別做拉力測試至拉斷網線,記錄其受力強度與延展性,並計算網線在一般建議穿網線的特定拉力下的勁度,進一步以統計分析加以比較。結果:延展性的表現上,有心線整體表現最佳,而大線徑之實心線最差。三種常見網線種類在不同線徑之強度-位移曲線的表現則十分相似,除了線徑最大的實心線表現與其他線徑相較下有較明顯的差異。在勁度表現上,隨著線徑增加,網線的勁度也隨之增加,並且在不同線徑大小之間有顯著差異。除了1.20mm的無心線在勁度表現上,趨近於1.35mm的無心線。結論:三種常用網線的機械特性測試顯示,當考慮擊球之控球與穩定性,有心線中等線徑(1.25mm與1.30mm)表現較理想。無心線的機械特性整體表現較佳,尤其是細線徑。然而細線徑的實心線擊球穩定性表現可能稍差,建議選用1.30mm線徑網線爲佳。在選手或網球運動者選擇網球拍網線時,本研究之結果可做爲參考或推薦,以維持擊球時的穩定性及增加操控性及運動表現。

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Purpose: The height of the medial longitudinal arch is one of the most important factors to describe foot structure. In particular, people with flat foot and high arch foot have higher injury rate. Footprint is a convenient way to determine foot structure. Current footprint measurement devices use electronic sensor or ink to obtain the footprint which either the analysis process is too complex or the ink is not environmental friendly. Therefore, a new footprint measurement device was developed to determine foot structure without using ink. In order to confirm the accuracy and reliability of this new device, this study tried to determine the correlation between different footprint measurement devices. Methods: 78 footprints were collected from the 39 subjects (7 males, 32 females). The mean age was 22.3±1.8 years, mean height was 162.1±8.1 cm, and mean weight was 56.5±11.6 kg. Subjects were measured two times on each foot by both the new device and traditional ink footprint device. Then the footprint images were scanned into the computer using Sigmascan Pro 5 software to analyze arch index and arch angle. Data were expressed as Mean SD, all statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS The Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation between two measurement devices. Statistical significant level was set at α=.01. Results: The correlation coefficients between new footprint and traditional ink footprint devices were 0.830 (p<.01) for arch index, 0.628 (p<.01) for arch angle. Previous studies reported high reliability for using footprint parameters to predict arch height. Therefore, the footprint parameter obtained from this new measurement device can be used to predict arch height and other foot structure parameters. Conclusion: New approach to measure footprint has significant correlation with the traditional ink footprint device. This result shows promising future in clinical applications to use this new footprint device which is more convenient and environmentally-friendly and easier to measure than the traditional ink footprint device. In order to provide more evidence to support this new device, more subjects and direct measurement of arch height should be analyzed in future study.

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Purpose: To survey the participation motives of children and adolescents in Taiwan and to examine the effects of gender and grade and the amount of physical activity. Methods: A total of 3,321 students, grade 3 to 9 (1,701 boys, 1,620 girls), from various regions of Taiwan were surveyed via questionnaires. Results: 1. Descriptive analyses showed that motives related to fitness and skill enhancement ranked the highest for all ages. 2. Factor analysis showed 6 categories of participation motives (49.73% total variance explained), namely, fitness and skill enhancement, social expectation, competition and challenge, social reinforcement, fun and friendship, and team interaction. 3. MANOVAs found a significant gender effect (Wilks' λ=.94, F(subscript (7, 3213))=31.33, p<.001). Boys scored higher than girls in the amount of physical activity and in most of the other participation motives (except team interaction). Grade was also found to have a significant effect. (Wilks' λ=.78, F(subscript (42, 15106))=19.30, p<.001). Fun and friendship increased as grade increased but scores of for the other motive categories decreased. The amount of physical activity increased as grade 1 increased to grade 6 but decreased thereafter and 9 graders had the least amount of activity. Conclusion: This study categorized the participation motives in physical activities of children and adolescents in Taiwan, and health related reasons were reported as the most important. However, participation motives and the amount of physical activity changed as a function of gender as well as the age of development.

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目的:爲了解經驗和工作限制對少年桌球選手正手擊球動作協調的影響,本研究以主成份分析法來描述全身肢段動作協調內容。藉由分析成分型態,探討不同技術水準的球員在面臨擊快或擊準目標時的動作協調差異。方法:以少年桌球優秀選手和一般球員各4名爲研究對象,分別收集他們在擊快與擊準動作要求下的擊球落點和運動學資料,計算落點成功率,並依據全身動作肢段關節和球拍標記點的三維座標計算擊球時間、擊球速度和進行主成份分析(principal component analysis, PCA)。結果:參與少年桌球選手的動作表現皆能符合擊準或擊快的動作要求。而在動作協調方面,全身動作協調可以縮減成6個成分來分析,優秀選手擊準時於描述揮拍軌跡在前後和上下軸向的控制之成份與一般球員不同,且優秀選手在擊準要求下於揮拍方向和發力有關的協調也與擊快時略有差別。結論:不同技術水準的少年桌球手之成份動作型態有所不同,而且在因應動作目標變異的情況下,只有技術水準高者能調整動作協調內容來擊球,支持Newell的限制模式的論點。

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