
北體學報/Tpec Press



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本研究主要目的在了解大專男性運動員的飲食異常情形,並了解飲食異常是否因不同年齡、運動項目及以體重量級為區分之運動項目而有不同。本研究以台北市立體育學院273位,共13項不同項目的運動選手為研究對象,採填寫飲食障礙調查表(EDI)為研究工具。研究結果發現依據Garner, Olmstead & Polivy(1983)所訂定的心因性厭食症及暴食症篩選標準,大專男性運動員的心因性厭食症盛行率為0%而心因性暴食症的盛行率為2.54%。因為飲食異常的盛行率過低固無法得知飲食異常是否因不同年齡、運動項目及以體重量級為區分之運動項目而有不同。

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本研究係探討桌球拍不同拍面膠皮所產生的摩擦係數和恢復係數。實驗採用以球撞擊十一種不同的桌球膠皮,並透過KISTLER測力板(KISTLER FORCE-PLATE)連接KISTLER生物力學分析系統(KISTLER BIOWAVE ANALYSIS SYSTEM)擷取及處理資料。實驗結果資料是以信號分析方式,分析力量和動量。十一種型態桌球膠皮經過實驗分析結果發現,十一種不同膠皮桌球拍之摩擦係數有顯著差異,而十一種不同膠皮桌球拍恢復係數則沒有顯著。研究發現桌球膠皮的摩擦係數與表面處理、材質彈性及膠皮厚薄存在有重要的相關。

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The objective of the paper was to understand the approaches, models, and other aspects, as well as types of test that infant education experts belonging to different fields of specialization who conduct infant body and sports related studies consider when faced with the problem of creating an ¡infant sport ability test¡. The paper focused on understanding the theoretical foundation these experts used in preparing the test method. Survey questionnaires were used to obtain the opinion of 219 scholars and experts (valid samples). The views of the varying background survey respondents were placed under statistical analysis and discussion; findings showed: A. Kindergarten physical education teachers and kindergarten educators have a higher sense of identification with the survey questionnaires than physical education course teachers and infant education teachers; moreover the sense of identification of kindergarten physical education teachers was significantly (P<.05) higher than that of physical education course teachers and infant education teachers. B. The primary and secondary theoretical foundations of infant sport ability tests presented in this paper may serve as reference for the future production of specific ¡infant sport ability tests¡ as well as provide infant educators a reference for the evaluation of current infant education and the planning of future infant education matters.

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本研究是要探討鈦金網球拍擊球時之動力響應(Dynamics Response),藉由鈦金網球拍之回復係數(The Coefficient of Restitution)及振動響應(Vibration Response)瞭解碳纖、高碳及鈦金網球拍之擊球特性差異。研究時採用碳纖、高碳及鈦金三支網球拍作為研究對象。三支網球拍皆在實驗室中透過自由落體的碰撞方式,分別以攝影機及測力板擷取網球碰撞球拍之回復係數及振動響應資料。攝影機資料經由影片分析,換算出網球拍受碰撞之回復係數;測力板(Force-plate)所擷取之資料運用生物力學分析軟體,換算出振動最大峰值及斜率做為振動大小之指標。研究結果發現鈦金網球拍受碰撞時,不論在回復係數及振動響應的表現均優於非鈦金網球拍;而鈦金含量高的網球拍回復係數及振動響應的表現也優於鈦金含量低的網球拍,這應該是鈦金含量影響球拍勁度所致。

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the patterns of recreational sport participation and the influences of perceived barriers to recreational sport participation among high school students. Data obtained via questionnaires with 520 students from 7 senior high schools and 7 senior vocational schools in Taipei, Taiwan (mean age = 16.93 years; SD = .65). The instrument used for this study was adapted from the available literature and based on an in-depth interview with a sample of the population. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, MANOVAs, discriminant analysis, and Pearson Product-moment correlation analysis. Results showed that the most frequently reported types of recreational sports were basketball, jogging, bicycling, volleyball, and billiards. Male adolescents reported participating in recreational sports at higher level than female adolescents, and senior vocational school females reported participating in recreational sports much more than senior high school females during a one-week period. Major barriers to recreational sport participation were ”bad weather,” ”lack of facilities,” ”lack of time,” ”lack of equipment,” and ”lack of company.” MANOVAs revealed significant effects from perceived barriers to sport participation among students by gender, school type, and levels of sport participation. Univariate ANOVAs revealed senior high school females had significantly higher scores than any other groups for ”lack of interest” and ”lack of energy,” while senior high school students perceived more constraints than senior vocational school students regarding time-related barriers. ”Lack of interest” was found to have the highest correlation to recreational sport participation than any other selected barriers(r= -0.37; p< .01). Discriminant analysis indicated the barriers ”lack of interest” and ”lack of energy” distinguished highly active adolescents from less-active adolescents. The present study revealed that different population subgroups perceive different barriers to recreational sport participation. In order to promote recreational sport participation effectively, government and private agencies should try to reduce the perceived barriers for each subgroup by implementing appropriate strategies.

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這篇研究的目的有三方面:(1)檢視台灣及西方國家選手與性別在「目標取向」與「內在動機」的差異。(2)檢視不同成績表現在「目標取向」與「內在動機」的差異。(3)探討不同「目標取向」與「內在動機」的相關情形。受試者包含了西方國家的82位頂尖選手(男子有47位、女子有35位),受試者自願報名參加勞力士橘子杯(ROLEX ORANGE BOWL)國際青少年網球錦標賽,及台灣國內參加全國網球排名賽的84位頂尖選手(男子有53位、女子有31位),共166位為受試者,平均年齡為18.41±2.40歲。受試者在比賽期間,於上場前先徵得受試者之同意進行施測,以個別方式完成二份問卷,內容包括有基本資料、運動目標取向量表及運動動機量表。研究調查結果指出:(1)台灣及西方國家選手與性別差異在「目標取向」與「內在動機」上,在自我取向分量表方面,台灣選手比西方國家選手較為自我取向;女性選手比男性選手傾向於自我取向。(2)不同成績在「目標取向」與「內在動機」上,有世界排名者在「工作取向」平均數得分低於有國家排名者及無排名者;在內在動機方面:有世界排名者和有國家排名者在「努力/重要」平均數大於無排名者。(3)不同「目標取向」與「內在動機」的相關情形。其結果指出台灣與西方國家選手為工作取向者,顯著地與努力/重要,享樂/興趣,成正相關,支持理論性的假設及先前的研究。