
南臺灣醫學雜誌/Medical Journal of South Taiwan



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目的:降低重症加護病房火災疏散流程的風險優先係數。方法:運用失效模式與效應分析(Failure mode and effect analysis,FMEA),分析評估重症加護病房或災疏散流程的潛在風險,結果發現主要火災疏散流程失效模式有:未重新任務編組、疏散計畫未詳實、應變教育不足及缺乏演練等。經小組成員腦力激盪後,決定以風險優先係數(RPN)大於100分的潛在失效項目擬定對策,包括:重新檢視單位特性、制定任務編組、教育訓練、兵棋推演及實際演等策略。結果:風險優先係數由2080下降至500,改善成效達82.7%。結論:透過失效模式及效應分析能降低火災潛在風險,且專案的實施可凝聚成原間對火警災變疏散流程之共識,提升醫護人員對重症加護病房疏散流程之正確性。

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Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate (1) the difference between physical and occupational therapy manpower in various medical settings and different insurance bureaus of geographical location, (2) the correlation coefficient between physical and occupational therapy manpower, (3) the performance for physical and occupational therapy manpower using a graphical representation in order to fulfill the requirement of the new version of 2011 hospital accreditation.Methods: Web-query system for medical practitioners in Taiwan is retrieved to obtain the numbers of physical therapist, occupational therapist, and hospital bed. Using the ratio of manpower supply to hospital beds, we examined whether it is adequate to meet the patient needs in hospital. The maximum of hospital capacity reaches to 2,918 beds and the minimum is 10 beds. The exploratory factor analysis and structure equation modeling are used to inspect the association between physical and occupational therapists in manpower supply.Results: The results showed that the ratio of physical and occupational therapists in manpower supply was 2.54. The largest number of physical and occupational therapists serving for medical settings was in clinics (34.49%), the least was in medical centers (12.64%). A significant association was found in types of institutes related to rehabilitation professionals (Chi-square=892.06; p<0.0001), indicating interdependent with each other.Conclusions: Using structure equation modeling to verify the relationship between physical and occupational therapists in manpower supply, we found the correlation coefficient was 0.89. The data of medical practitioners and hospital beds retrieved from the website of Department of Health could be useful to compare the manpower of rehabilitation professionals using graphical representation. In addition, the method we introduced could be helpful for researchers to consider and explore in future studies. Overall, the results could provide evaluation and comparison in rehabilitation professionals for decision making.

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我們報告一名55歲病患,罹患皮下脂肪硬化合併左外踝頑固性巨大慢性靜脈性潰瘍達兩年之久,我們使用經皮透視性動力輔助式顯微手術合併分層植皮手術, 成功治療病患的皮下脂肪硬化,靜脈性潰瘍也癒合良好,這顯示了經皮透視性動力輔助式顯微手術可作為皮下脂肪硬化合併頑固性靜脈性潰瘍的另一種治療選項,本文章報告一使用該手術方式成功治療的病例。

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肝細胞癌合併骨骼轉移是較少之併發症,再者合併有神經學症狀異常者則更為少見。我們在此報告一案例,一位68歲男性來院主訴為左手腕無力,經檢查後發現為左側肱骨病理性骨折合併橈神經麻痺現象。病患後續檢查發現為肝細胞癌造成之骨骼轉移。因此在臨床上當病患呈現病理性骨折合併神經學症狀異常表現者, 肝細胞癌併發骨轉移仍需列為可能之鑑別診斷。

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