
南臺灣醫學雜誌/Medical Journal of South Taiwan



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目的:糖尿病潰瘍傷口嚴重時需進行截肢手術,而負壓傷口治療用於慢性傷口已有不錯成效,但用於糖尿病潰瘍傷口之成效如何,國內目前沒有對此議題做相關論述及整理,本研究收集高品質之隨機控制試驗文獻,運用系統性回顧及統合分析,探討負壓傷口治療對糖尿病潰瘍傷口之成效。方法:依關鍵字搜尋:華藝線上圖書館、Cochrane Library、PubMed及Medline,搜尋設定年限為2000年1月至2017年10月,將納入準則之文獻使用Modified Jadad Score及Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine評讀研究品質,並以Review Manager 5統計軟體進行統合分析。結果:納入12篇隨機臨床試驗研究進入統合分析,共1185位個案,研究結果:傷口癒合時間-19.78天(95%CI:-40.05,0.48)、傷口減少面積比例27.72(95%CI:5.65,49.79)、傷口減少面積10.05平方公分(95%CI:4.34,15.77)、傷口減少深度比例39.18(95%CI:28.96,49.39)、傷口完全癒合比例3.01(95%CI:1.64,5.53)、截肢率0.28(95%CI:0.14,0.57)和不良事件1.10(95%CI:0.67,1.78)。結論:實證研究發現負壓傷口治療可顯著減少糖尿病潰瘍傷口的面積及深度、增加傷口完全閉合和降低截肢,這可供醫療人員參考,以提升照護品質。

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Objective: In some cancers, patients with viral hepatitis B or C infections have more chemotherapy-related morbidity and mortalities. Methods: Patients' characteristics, included age, gender, stage were similar between patients with chronic viral hepatitis and without hepatitis. Median survival was 1292 days (95% CI, 518-2065 days) in patients with chronic viral hepatitis and 1228 days (95% CI, 968-1487 days) in patient without chronic hepatitis. There were no significant overall survival differences in these two groups (p = 0.793). In subgroup analysis, there were still no survival differences between different stages. Results: Patients who were ≤ 65 years (p < 0.001) and had lower normal urine albumin creatinine ratio (ACR, p = 0.049) had lower chance to become albuminuria. Hypertension (p = 0.021), albuminuria (p = 0.022) and age > 65 years (p = 0.04) would deteriorate renal function but patients under angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) therapy were exceptional. Conclusions: Chronic hepatitis B or C infections did not influence survival in colon cancer patients treated with chemotherapy.

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目的:使用醫用直線加速器之標稱射源,針對光刺激發光劑量計(Optical stimulated luminescence dosimeter,OSLD)之特性進行量測與校正,以供放射治療照野外正常組織之低劑量輻射度量並提高準確性。方法:評估一批光刺激發光劑量計(In Lightnano Dot^(TM))之批次特徵(batch characteristic)、再現性(reproducibility)、消光性(fading)、劑量率依存性(dose rate dependence)及訊號衰減(signal depletion per read)等特性,並同時建立劑量與計讀值之關係曲線(linearity)。結果:OSLDs於三次不同劑量範圍其平均值和標準差分別為8 0 . 9 4 ± 2 . 16 counts、57.40±1.20 counts及28.14±0.82 counts,準確度均在±3%之內,重複計讀再現性及輻射回應再現性C.V.值分別介於0.54%~2.33%和0.94%~2.95%,消光性穩定於2.1%以內,劑量率依存性於1.12%以內,訊號衰減僅0.25%。劑量回應關係曲線於劑量範圍2至40cGy間, 其關係式為y=2.7158x+1.3979,x為吸收劑量,y為計讀信號值。結論:OSLDs尺寸小、劑量線性、再現性佳、無劑量率依存性,可重複使用、重複計讀,操作便利穩定度佳,除了目前已知應用亦適合於放射治療低劑量度量。

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Infective endocarditis is a potential life-threatening disease. Unlike other viridans streptococci, Streptococcus anginosus infection is often associated with abscess formation, but rarely causes infective endocarditis. Because of the vague nature of symptoms, isolated tricuspid valve infective endocarditis may take several months to diagnose. We report a previously healthy 36-year-old man who developed 6 months of intermittent fever and 2 days of pleuritic chest pain. As the initial computed tomographic images suggested the possibility of tuberculosis or cryptococcosis, lung and pleural biopsy was planned. However, subsequent blood cultures grew Streptococcus anginosus and echocardiography also revealed vegetations on tricuspid valve. Eventually, we came to the final diagnosis of isolated tricuspid valve infective endocarditis complicated with multiple pulmonary septic emboli. We emphasized the important role of computed tomography in this patients, and also concluded that it is very important to establish an early diagnosis.

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Hemoglobin A1c (Hb A1c) is routinely used to monitor glycemic control over past 2-3 months in patients with diabetes. As recommended by the American Diabetes Association in 2010, a value of 6.5% for HbA1c is a diagnostic criterion for diabetes. We present a 32-year-old male patient whose HbA1c was undetectable using ion exchange high-performance liquid chromatography. DNA sequencing identified the co-inheritance of Hb H disease and Hb G-Taichung. Thus, if the HbA1c value cannot be measured, such patients should be screened for hemoglobinopathy and alternative methods for glucose assessment should be considered.

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Myxofibrosarcoma (MFS) is a rare soft tissue neoplasmscharacterized by a high frequency of local recurrence due to an infiltrative growth property. Most common presents in the extremities of elderly people. The clinical presentation is not pathognomonic and the histological aspects are highly heterogenous, frequently delaying the diagnosis or leading to misdiagnosis. Complementary histochemical and immune-histochemical staining are mandatory to achieve the diagnosis of MFS. A 54-year-old female patient is presented with myxofibrosarcomain varicose vein on right calf. Local recurrent mass lesion was found three months later after excision of thrombosis varicose veins. Wide excision of right calf mass lesion was done and pathology showed myxofibrosarcoma. Wide excision with adequate safe margin should be recommended to prevent a local recurrence. The overall risk of distant metastases is significant which makes worse prognosis.