
台灣學誌/Monumenta Taiwanica



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〈Chinese Names of Streets in Penang〉是Lo Man Yuk佇1900年發表佇《Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society》頂頭ê資料,重點是咧記錄檳城ê路名。檳城主要ê使用語言是福建話,除了漢字,嘛用「白話字」來標記百若冬前檳城福建話ê讀法。咱對這份資料會使看著一寡仔語言現象,親像毋但有漳州腔、廈門腔ê特色,嘛有「角美腔」。彼當陣ê福建話面對馬來話,有製造新詞ê能力。吸收外來語詞ê策略是「譯音法」kap「音兼意譯法」。親像「Ara Kuda」直接吸收做「亞刺古打」À-lah kú-tá,這是「譯音法」。「Carnarvon Lane」對應做「Kampong inside」,「Kampong」是馬來話「庄頭」ê意思,福建話共寫做「鑑光內」Kàm-kong lāi,是共Kampong照音翻譯了後,才加上福建話表示佇內部ê「lāi」來形成新ê詞。這是「音兼意譯法」。路名的號名kap生活經驗、族群有關係。「人」是文化ê創作者,佇遮欲討論ê文化語詞,是以「人」做中心,分做「穡頭」、「族群、方言群」、「公司、組織」、「宗教」kap「人名」這五種類型。舉例來講,親像有「打石街」Phah chióh ke、「潮洲街」Tiô-chiu ke、「姓陳公司」Si^n Tân kong-si、「觀音亭前」Koan im têng chêng、「亞貴街」A kui ke這寡文化詞彙。本文主要欲按〈Chinese Names of Streets in Penang〉這份資料了解19世紀檳城福建話ê語言現象kap文化語詞。遮ê語言、文化語詞會使予咱對檳城華人ê生活有koh較濟ê了解。

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This paper intends to investigate a usage of sī "be" in Taiwanese, which occurs higher than speaker-oriented adverb(ial)s and need not adjoin to vP in a wh-question, contrary to its non-copular homonyms (Lee, 2005). I suggest that it can be analyzed based on the denotation of FOR-SURE really, which conveys the meaning: "it is for sure that we should add to Common Ground that p," proposed in Romero and Han (2004). The analysis not only explains all the empirical disparity observed between this sī and other non-copular usages of sī but also reveals the existence of a pragmatic marker in Sinitic languages, which indicates a result of high degree of grammaticalization of sī, an item whose cognates have also evolved into a wide spectrum of functions / distribution in today's Sinitic languages.

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