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Valuation of Environmental Conservation in Three Northern Islets Marine National Park in Taiwan


本研究應用假設市場評估法(contingent valuation method, CVM)衡量民眾對規劃方案「北方三島3浬內為核心區即禁漁區;3~6浬的緩衝區,可有限制的供人為使用如取得許可證之遊憩活動及研究與教育工作;6浬至12浬為過渡區可合理的捕撈。」的願付價格,並深入了解及處理高比例的「零」回應及抗議性樣本的問題,以期能比較精確的衡量北方三島成立海洋國家公園的可能資源保育效益,包含選擇價值(option value, OV)、存在價值(existence value, EV)與遺贈價值(bequest value, BV)等。在方法上以Heckman(1979)的樣本選擇模型修正抗議性樣本可能造成的抽樣偏誤,並以雙界二分選擇模型及Tobit模型估計願付價格方程式。結果顯示:樣本選擇模型民眾對北方三島的認知並不高,但對北方三島成立海洋國家公園多表支持的態度,且在生態保育、漁業資源、沿岸附近區民的就業機會及收入、帶動觀光產業提供更多保育機會上的認知均表正面與高度認同。另外,教育程度較高、所得較高、認同成立國家公園可增加沿岸附近居民的就業機會及收入、對北方三島成立國家公園高度支持,其願付價格相對較高。而對北方三島海洋國家公園可帶動觀光產業及可供更多遊憩機會的同意度高者,其願付價格相對較低。平均而言,北方三島海洋國家公園對民眾而言,其選擇價值、存在價值與遺贈價值分別為每年1,420.3元、1,296.78元及1,169.17元。


This study uses the contingent valuation method (CVM) to estimate the economic value of planning the three Northern Islets Marine National Park in Taiwan, including option value (OV), existence value (EV) and bequest value (BV). In order to solve problems of high rates of ”zero” response and protest response of the willingness to pay for respondents, Heckman (1979) sample selection model is used to correct selective biases and address the protest response.The empirical results show that respondents with higher WTP are male, college education level or higher, higher income level, and agree with ”establishing three islets marine National park will increase employment opportunities and income for the residents nearby the coast”. Those who often engage in outdoor activities or have been the members of any environmental conservation organization or group, also have higher WTP. In addition, the respondents have higher WTP always with support attitude to ”the establishment of three islets marine National park” or consider to ”designate the area as conservation for lifetime or future generations use” is important. The estimation of average WTP per person for ”option value”, ”existence value” and ”bequest value” is NT$1,420.3, $1,296.78 and $1169.17 per year, respectively.


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