  • 期刊


Child Abuse and neglect-the Viewpoint of Pediatrician


據統計平均55分鐘就有一個兒童受虐,通報的個案經過相關單位調查後,約有90萬個孩子的確遭受不當對待,其中24%是身體傷害,54%是忽視,12%是性虐待,其餘則是精神虐待。死亡案例中,77%是三歲或更年幼的孩子。兒虐的認定虐待指標包括:(1)身體傷害指標,(2)行爲指標,(3)加害者(父母)行爲與特質指標,(4)環境指標。兒保人員可參考以下資料以協助診斷兒虐的危機程度,包括(1)兒童的年齡、身心狀況、自我保護能力、受傷程度、受照顧程度、受傷部位、受虐頻率;(2)施虐者接近兒童的管道、照顧者之親職能力、配合意願;(3)兒童家庭支持系統、壓力與危機等因素。兒童受虐的五大警訊:(1)反覆發生的傷害(尤其是多處瘀傷);(2)不恰當的行爲舉止;(3)被照顧者疏忽的外觀表現;(4)嚴厲而超級批評導向的父母;(5)家庭與社區相當程度的遠離隔絕。醫護人員可以簡易篩檢標準以提高通報效果。篩檢標準包含五個項目:(1)超過三次以上急診外傷救醫記錄,(2)病史不一致,(3)病史和身體檢查不符,(4)延遲就醫,(5)一歲以下任何的骨折以及頭部外傷;只要符合一至四項的兩項,或單獨第五項成立,就應通報兒童保護小組進行更仔細的兒虐篩檢。兒虐防治工作流程:應該注意以下事項(1)注意兒童創傷之外的細節;(2)悉心預防事件再次發生;(3)仔細處理兒虐造成的心理傷害;(4)隨時小心發生在身邊的可能兒虐事件;(5)醫事人員對於兒虐的責任包括辨認:個案可出現在任何場所,可能是住院病人、急診病人、或是門診病人;診斷以及記錄存檔;提供安全的場所以作爲個案醫療檢查以及評估之所在;與社工人員合作發展各種處理計畫並提供諮詢;追蹤以及重新評估。醫院以及醫事人員的責任在通報、提供醫療照護以及處理,同時協助社會局與警方;任何人員、任何時問、任何地點、任何情形,懷疑兒童虐待與疏忽,都可逕自通報113;醫院或診所處理兒虐事件的流程:依照有無SCAN小組(Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect),而區分爲兩種處理流程。如只靠醫院中的醫護人員,實無法避免兒虐案件發生;以往的兒保通報案件中,屬於責任通報範圍的僅佔五成,我們呼籲民問團體以及每一個孩子身邊的大人都需要一起加入兒童保護的行列,才能有效建立一個防制兒童虐待的社會。


兒童虐待 疏忽 照顧者 醫師


In Taiwan, more than 900 thousands of victims were estimated annually, which corresponds to a new victim per 55 minutes. Physical abuse was not the most common form of maltreatment reported. Children were most likely to experience neglect, involving poor parental supervision, omission of care, or inadequate physical protection, nutrition, or health care. 54% of all reportedchildren suffered from neglect, with 25% co-morbidity with other types of maltreatment. Infants and toddlers had the highest rates of reported maltreatment (14.8 per 1000), 78% of all documented abuse-related fatalities occurred in children ages 4 or younger. Girls were more likely to experience maltreatment at older ages and more likely to have reported sexual abuse than boys. Consider the possibility of physical abuse when the child- (1) has unexplained bums, bites, bruises, broken bones, or black eyes; (2) has fading bruises or other marks noticeable after an absence from school; (3) seems frightened of the parents and protests or cries when it is time to go home from school; (4) shrinks at the approach of adults; or (5) reports injury by a parent or another adult caregiver. Consider the possibility of physical abuse when the parent or other adult caregiver - (1)offers conflicting, unconvincing, or no explanation for the child's injury; (2) describes the child as ”evil,” or in some other very negative way; (3) uses harsh physical discipline with the child; or (4) has a histoty of abuse as a child. Several steps in the management of the ongoing process, including (l)referrals; (2)consultation; (3)documentation; (4)decision of admission or discharge; (5)admitted patients- all suspected cases should follow the protocol of SCAN, which is designed o help coordinate early discussions with medical service, social service and police.


child abuse neglect caregiver pediatrician


