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Participation in Drama Therapy: From the Perspective of Children and Adolescents Who Have Witnessed Domestic Violence


目睹婚姻暴力兒童會有情緒和認知的長短期創傷,會出現內向或外向性的症狀,以及人際關係的困難,因此必須尋求焦點式的治療。台灣自2002年開始有較多目睹婚暴兒童的治療團體,但團體經驗沒有進行系統性的整理,本研究的目的就是從兒童的觀點來理解參與戲劇治療團體後的經驗。 本研究以某基金會兒童諮商中心之目睹兒為研究對象,以質性研究為取向,於參與戲劇治療團體後對兒童進行訪談,兒童覺察參加戲劇治療團體的改變包括:(1)對自己心情、想法、身體或行為的覺察,及對自我形象的認識;(2)對性生理發展與身體自我形象的探索;(3)對暴力概念的探索;(4)團體過程中人際關係之學習;(5)在戲劇治療團體中展現創造力的成就感;(6)團體歷程與主題和過去經驗的連結;(7)從團體主題的探索協助成員對親密關係的思考。 本研究的結論除了支持並加強戲劇治療對幫助目睹婚暴兒童及青少年的正面經驗之外,也對他們的輔導工作有所啟發,提供社工人員和治療師工作上的參考。


Children who witness domestic violence experience both short-term and long-term trauma, and exhibit externalizing or internalizing symptoms, as well as difficulties in interpersonal relationships. Since 2002, there have been more therapy groups that focus on helping children who have witnessed domestic violence in Taiwan. However, the effectiveness of these therapy groups has never been thoroughly and systematically examined. The aim of the study was to explore children's perspective regarding participation in drama group therapy. Using qualitative research, the principal investigator interviewed children who participated in drama group therapy at Good Shaper Foundation. Participants reported the following changes: 1. Increasing awareness of their feelings, thoughts, body, behaviors, as well as achieving better self-image. 2. Understanding sexual-physical development and discovering their own body-image. 3. Learning more about the concept of violence. 4. Learning how to interact with peers. 5. Demonstrating creativity and gaining a sense of achievement. 6. Making the link between past traumatic experiences and group processes and topics. 7. Thinking more about their own close relationships. Results of the present study demonstrate that drama group can enhance the positive effect of drama therapy for children and adolescents who have witnessed domestic violence, and can be a source of inspiration for social workers and therapists.


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