  • 學位論文


A study of the gap between expected and actual mothers’ parenting for teenaged girls and the impact on mother-daughter relationship

指導教授 : 李麗君


本研究旨在探討青少女之母親教養行為對母女關係影響之研究,以649位高中女學生為研究對象,所使用的工具包括母女關係量表與母親教養行為量表。所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、簡單迴歸分析,以及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方式進行處理,本研究發現如下: 一、青少女感受整體母女關係得分上有偏高的趨勢,且分量表得分上以「依附感」層面分數為最高、「負向情感」層面分數為最低。 二、實際與期望之教養行為分數呈現高分的趨勢,且期望教養行為之分數普遍高於實際教養行為之分數,唯有在「和諧關愛」和「女兒培育」向度中,特別是母親言行與成績方面的管教與規範之教養行為,出現期望分數低、實際分數高的情形。 三、實際教養行為分量表之分數,以「生活照顧」面向為最高分、以「經濟支持」面向為最低分;期望教養行為分量表之分數,以「生活照顧」面向為最高分、以「女兒培育」面向為最低分。 四、從各分量表在期望與實際之比較上,除了「女兒培育」之外,「和諧關愛」、「生活照顧」、「女兒發展」、「經濟支持」皆達到顯著差異。 五、母親不同的教育程度,在實際母親教養行為的「整體層面」、「女兒培育」、「女兒發展」、「經濟支持」面向上的分數達到顯著差異;另外在期望母親教養行為的「整體層面」、「和諧關愛」、「女兒發展」、「經濟支持」面向上的分數達到顯著差異。 六、母親是否有工作,在實際母親教養行為之「生活照顧」和「經濟支持」面向上的分數達到顯著差異;另外在期望母親教養行為之「經濟支持」面向上的分數達到顯著差異。 七、青少女感受母親實際教養行為能有效預測母女關係,且「和諧關愛」向度為預測母女關係之主要預測變項。 八、青少女感受母親期望與實際教養行為之間有不同的差距,且差距在母女關係上達到顯著差異。 九、青少女感受母親期望與實際教養行為之間沒有差距時,母女關係為最佳。 根據以上研究發現,本研究提出進一步討論,並提供未來研究方向及實務上之建議。


The study aimed to investigate the gap between expected and actual mothers’ parenting for teenaged girls and the impact on mother-daughter relationship. A total of 649 high school girl students responded to the questionnaire, inclusive of the two parts: mother-daughter relationship scale measurement and mothers’ parenting scale measurement. Then, the results were processed and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, simple linear regression analysis and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1. Young girls’ whole perceptions on their mother-daughter relationship scored high. The data based on the scale measurement further showed that the part of the sense of attachment scored the highest and the part of the negative affect scored the lowest. 2. The scores of the practical and expected mothers’ parenting of young girl daughters both presented high. To further analyze, the expected mothers’ parenting generally scored higher than the practical mothers’ parenting. However, only the aspects of mothers’ behaving models and their attitudes toward daughters’ grades in the two items of “love and care” and “nurture of daughters” showed the opposite results. 3. From the results of the measurement of the practical mothers’ parenting, the aspect of “care for life” scored the highest, whereas that of “economical support” scored the lowest. From the results of the measurement of the expected mothers’ parenting, the aspect of “care for life” scored the highest, whereas that of “nurture of daughters” scored the lowest 4. The result showed significantly different on the scores of “love and care, ” “care for life,” “development of daughters, ” “economical support” in the part of the gap between expected and actual mothers’ parenting. 5. Due to mothers’ different levels of education, the result showed significantly different on the scores of “the whole aspects, ” “nurture of daughters, ” “development of daughters, ” “economical support” in the part of the practical mothers’ parenting. Meanwhile, the result showed significantly different on the scores of “the whole aspects, ” “love and care, ” “development of daughters, ” “economical support” in the part of the expected mothers’ parenting. 6. Due to mothers’ dedication to the working field or not, the result showed significantly different on the scores of “care for life” and “economical support” in the part of the practical mothers’ parenting. As for the part of the expected mothers’ parenting, the result showed significantly different on the scores of “economical support. ” 7. Mother-daughter relationship can be effectively predicted by the idea of teenaged girls’ perceptions on the practical mothers’ parenting. In addition, the item of “love and care” is the main variable when predicting mother-daughter relationship. 8. The result showed significantly different on the scores of Mother-daughter relationship when there’s different for teenaged girls’ perceptions on the expected and practical mothers’ parenting. 9. Mother-daughter relationship demonstrates the best when there’s no difference for teenaged girls’ perceptions on the expected and practical mothers’ parenting. Based on the findings above, the study offered further discussion and suggestions for future studies and application.


