  • 學位論文


Roles of Snail in TGF-β1–induced effects in renal cells

指導教授 : 莊麗月


糖尿病通常會引起慢性腎臟疾病 (chronic kidney disease, CKD),這種慢性的腎臟傷害往往是身體系統無法去回復的,因此一旦達到末期腎病變 (ESRD) 只能依靠血液透析或是腎臟移植來延長生命。糖尿病腎病變所造成的腎臟傷害通常是腎小管間質的纖維化,其原因之一為纖維原母細胞 (myofibroblasts) 受到不正常調控並移動到腎小管間質之間,同時也會分泌一些細胞激素,像是第一型乙型生長因子 (TGF-β1) 來高度誘導周遭正常細胞進行 Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) ,此轉變最終會導致細胞纖維化,而在整個EMT過程中腎小管的上皮細胞會逐漸失去原本彼此緊密黏附的細胞特性而慢慢轉型成表現纖維化分子的間質細胞。同時,近端腎小管的纖維母細胞 (fibroblasts) 亦經類似 EMT 之機制而轉變成纖維原母細胞 (myofibroblasts) ,此也是造成腎病變的因素。 有研究顯示 TGF-β1 會誘發癌細胞中轉錄因子 Snail 的表現,而 TGF-β1 是造成腎臟細胞 EMT 的主要生長因子,因此本研究主要探討 TGF-β1 所誘發腎臟細胞 Snail 的表現所致生物效應的角色。 本研究首先發現在腎臟纖維母細胞 NRK-49F 中,血管張力素Angiotensin II (AII) 和高糖 (High Glucose) 會誘導產生ROS (reactive oxygen species) 去刺激細胞表現 TGF-β1 ,而 TGF-β1 也是藉由活化ROS (reactive oxygen species) 的路徑去刺激轉錄因子 Snail 基因的表現。並證明 TGF-β1 誘發 Snail 表現與 TGF-β1 促進 NRK-49F 之增生無關,不經由 Snail 來調控細胞週期, TGF-β1 促進 Snail 表現的角色主要是誘導纖維母細胞活化形成纖維原母細胞。此外,過去發現有拮抗 TGF-β1 部分活性之骨質形成蛋白-7 (BMP-7) 和雌激素 (Estrogen) 並不會緩解 TGF-β1 促進 Snail 表現的效應。並利用二維電泳及質譜儀鑑定蛋白質,發現 NRK-49F 中在 TGF-β1 刺激後 3 個蛋白質與 Snail 調控有關,有待進一步釐清其角色。我們也發現在腎臟腎絲球間質細胞 (Mes-13) , TGF-β1 會增加 mTOR 蛋白質的表現並且調控 Snail 基因的活性。 綜合以上的結果,我們首先提出 TGF-β1 經由活化 Smad 路徑促進 ROS 產生並促進 Snail 的表現,同時也發現 TGF-β1 會透過 mTOR 來促進 Snail 蛋白質的產生,我們認為此兩條路徑在調控高糖在腎臟細胞中所致效應的機轉中扮演重要的角色。


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common complication of diabetes mellitus. CKD is an irreversible process that eventually leads to end-stage renal failure, a devastating condition that necessitates the patients to be dependent on life-long treatments with dialysis or renal transplantation. Renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis is a final common pathway that leads to progressive renal injury in a range of conditions, including diabetic nephropathy (DN). Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) has been implicated in the accelerated fibrogenesis that is seen in diabetic nephropathy. The process of EMT is induced in epithelial cells to lose its cell-to-cell adhesion and transform to mesenchymal-like cells. Similary, fibroblasts can be activated into myofibroblasts, which expresses α-smooth muscle actin. TGF-β1 induces the transcription factor Snail, which is involved in EMT, in cancer cells. TGF-β1-triggered EMT is an important process in DN. Thus, we wished to understand the role of Snail in high glucose and AII-induced effects in renal cells. We found that Angiotensin II (AII) and high glucose induce (reactive oxygen species, ROS) to stimulate TGF-β1 activity. TGF-β1 also induced Snail gene expression by stimulating ROS. Snail did not regulate cell cycle but induced the process of EMT in NRK-49F cells. Moreover, both BMP-7 and Estrogen did not attenuate TGF-β1-induced Snail expression. 2D-gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry showed that 3 proteins were regulated by the TGF-β1-Snail pathway. We also found that TGF-β1 induced Snail expression through the mTOR pathway. We concluded that the ROS- TGF-β1-ROS- Snail pathway and the TGF-β1- mTOR - Snail pathway are involved in high glucose-induced effects in renal cells.


CKD DN EMT TGF-β1 ROS fibroblasts myofibroblasts Snail mTOR


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