  • 學位論文


A study of the relationship between youth runaway and juvenile criminal behaviour

指導教授 : 黃富源


少年經常逃家問題存在已久,目前輔導實務在介入上亦極具困難性,但相關文獻皆已顯示少年經常逃家行為對犯罪行為的發生具有風險,於是本研究試圖釐清二者間存在怎樣的風險因子與保護因子及犯罪路徑,以尋找在介入輔導上的著力點。 本研究為探究如下三個問題:一、少年經常逃家行為與未逃家行為涉入犯罪行為的風險因子分別為何。二、少年有經常逃家行為,但不涉入犯罪行為的保護因子為何。三、少年有經常逃家行為並且涉入犯罪行為者,其行為歷程是否存有共通的犯罪路徑。 本研究設計將受訪少年分三組共計十名少年進行質性深度訪談。第一組樣本共四名,為少年經常逃家並涉入犯罪行為者。第二組樣本共二名,為少年經常逃家卻未涉入犯罪行為者。第三組樣本共四名,為未逃家少年卻涉入犯罪行為者。最後將三組的訪談資料進行相關歸納與分析比較,以探求少年經常逃家行為與犯罪行為間的相關性為何。 本研究發現如下: 一、經常逃家並涉入犯罪行為的少年,其風險因子共計有四大項,分別是「低自我控制行為」、「負向的社會學習」、「缺乏監控」、「扭曲司法保護用意」,可再分別細分為十九項的風險因子。 二、經常逃家並涉入犯罪行為的少年,其犯罪路徑為:少年在經常逃家的過程中,因相關風險因子開啟低自我控制行為,後又因相關風險因子增加負向社會學習的機會,同時因缺乏監控而催化犯罪行為的發生,最後可能因扭曲司法保護的用意而促使犯罪行為一再循環發生。 三、未逃家但涉入犯罪行為的少年,其風險因子共計三大項,分別是「低自我控制行為」、「偏差認知」、「扭曲司法保護用意」,可再細分為十五項的風險因子。 四、經常逃家但不涉入犯罪行為的少年之保護因子可分為三大項,分別是「不犯罪的信念」、「逃家在外的物質生活不需煩惱」、「偏差同儕較少」,可再細分為七項保護因子。 五、本研究發現經常逃家與未逃家少年涉入犯罪行為的歷程中之明顯差異乃在經常逃家少年具「缺乏監控」此一風險因子,另外經常逃家與未逃家少年在涉入犯罪行為上,在負向的社會學習歷程中,二組少年也有不同的風險因子。 本研究建議政策上應增加青少年社工人力,並強化體系間的合作機制、相關法規應重視如何處理少年虞犯問題、社政應積極發展家庭支持性服務、教育體系應加強學校對少年的正向影響力並強化小學高年級至國中的縱貫性輔導策略並增加警政與少年法庭介入少年事務的專業性。


ABSTRACT A study of the relationship between youth runaway and juvenile criminal behaviour. by LI﹐PEI-YI July 2012 ADVISOR(S):Dr. HUANG﹐FU-YUAN DEPARTMENT:GRADUATE SCHOOL OF CRIMINOLOGY MAJOR:GRIMINOLOGY DEGREE:MASTER OF ARTS Teenagers’ frequent runaway behavior is a hot topic discussed for a long time, which is difficult to resolve by means of the intervention of guidance currently. However, a plenty of relevant literature points out that there is high risk in teenagers' frequent runaway behavior by easy-turning into criminal behavior. Thus, this study tries to clarify the risky factor, the protective factor and the crime way between these two behaviors so as to find out the major and useful point of intervention of guidance. This study will discuss the following three problems: 1. The respective risky factors of the behavior that turn into criminal behavior from frequent runaway out of home by teenagers and the behavior that not run away. 2. The protective factor that prevents the teenagers who frequently run away out of home from committing crimes. 3. Whether there is common crime way for teenagers frequently run away out of home and commit crimes. This study has divided the interviewed ten teenagers into three groups for deep interview. The first sample group consists of four members who frequently run away out of home and commit crimes. The second sample group consists of two members, who frequently run away out of home without committing a crime. And the third sample group consists of four members who do not run away out of home but commit crimes. Finally, compare relevant conclusion and analysis of interview results of three groups to explore the relationship between the frequent runaway behavior and criminal behavior of teenagers. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. There are four risky factors for teenagers who frequently run away out of home and commit crimes, including low self-control behavior, negative social learning behavior, lack of supervision, and distortion of the purpose of judicial protection, which could be further divided into nineteen risky factors in details. 2. As for the teenagers frequently run away from home and commit a crime, the crime way is: teenagers initiate low self-control behavior due to relevant risky factor during frequent runaway, and then experience more negative social learning due to relevant risky factor, meanwhile, those teenagers commit crimes due to lack of self-control, and finally cause the reoccurrence of criminal behavior due to distortion of the purpose of juridical protection. 3. As for the teenagers not run away out of home but commit crimes, there are three risky factors, including low self-control behavior, deviated cognition and distortion of the purpose of judicial protection, which could be further divided into fifteen risky factors in details. 4. The protective factors of teenagers who frequently run away out of home without committing a crime can be divided into three kinds, including belief in never falling into crime, no worry about the material life during runaway and less deviated peer, which could be further divided into seven protective factors in details. 5. This study finds out that the significant difference between the experiences of committing crimes by teenagers who frequently run away out of home and who never run away out of home is the risky factor of “lack of self-control” lying in the teenagers who frequently run away out of home. In addition, as for the behaviors of committing crimes by teenagers who frequently run away out of home and who never run away out of home, there are two different risky factors for these two groups of teenagers during the process of negative social learning. This study suggests adding juvenile social labors in policy, strengthening the cooperation mechanism of all systems, and relevant laws shall stress on the disposal of the behavior of committing crimes by teenagers, the society and the government shall actively develop family supporting service, the education system shall strengthen school’s positive influence on teenagers and the sequential guidance strategy from the senior grade of primary school throughout junior high school as well as enhance the professional level of intervention into teenagers’ affairs by police and government and teenagers court.


