  • 期刊


A Study on the Situation and Prevention of Sexual Assault to Female Victims with Mental Retardation (MR)


近年來我國非常重視智障者的權益維護,然而社會上女性智障者遭受性侵害仍層出不窮,亟待瞭解其被害情境,並據以研擬妥適因應對策,以強化對女性智障者人身安全之維護。 本研究除進行國內外相關文獻之檢閱外,並對12名女性智障者性侵害之犯罪受刑人進行深度訪談,以深入瞭解對智障者性侵害犯罪之犯罪動機、犯罪手法、犯罪目標之選擇過程、犯罪當時的情境、歷程與案發後之感想等項,並據以提出防治對策。 在12位受訪者中有9位表示與被害人相互認識,彼此間的關係為鄰居、同事或父女,對女性智障者實施性侵害行為者,以熟識者的侵害為多。加害人大多認為智障者應該比較好騙,所以產生「有機可乘」的心態,利用或製造與受害人獨處的機會,以金錢或食物作為誘餌,而實行性侵害之行為。本研究之其他發現包括:在性侵衝動的引發議題上,受訪者有近半數先察覺被害者的智能不足,在獨處或有利情境配合下引發性侵的意念;超過半數的受訪者在實施性侵害時並未遭受反抗;有甚高比例的性侵害加害人選擇中午或下午時段對智障女性從事性侵害,因為那個時段智障者常落單或無人監護。 依據前述研究發現,本研究建議:1.在保護智障者性侵害的防治宣導上,需更要進一步強調,熟識者常會對智障者伸出狼爪,女性智障者缺乏自身安全防護的能力,有較高受害之潛在危險;2.對女性輕度智能障礙者應強化對自身性自主決定權及人身安全保護知識的訓練;3.對於中、重度的女性智能障礙者,應強化其監督保護機制;4.在性侵害預防的策略上,應進一步宣導「白天也會有狼人出現」及「對智障者的保護不分時段」的觀念;5.預防宣導上,應促使一般社會大眾瞭解女性智障者的行為特質,避免因為錯誤認知觀念(強暴迷思)的誤導而讓女性智障者容易成為性侵害的被害對象。


Although we have put much attention and effort into the treatment and prevention of sexual offending in the past few years, sexual assault to female victims with mental retardation (MR) cases are still rampant in Taiwan. To further explore the situation of sexual victimization for the female MR victims, the present study sampled purposefully 12 sexual offenders from 3 prisons, e.g. Taipei Prison, Taichung Prison, & Kaohsiung Prison, and interviewed the subjects on the topics about the motivation of offending, the situation and condition of the case, their knowledge about the victims and their strategies for seduce, their thought about how to choose the target, the process of offending, their thinking and response about the offending. Nine out of the 12 interviewees admitted that they had known the MR victims or had been very familiar with them. Most of the offenders thought that MR female were easier to be seduced, so that they were active in creating the situation for get-together or seducing with food or money once they found adequate chance. Over half of the interviewees said they had learned the victim's intellectual condition, so they took action to attack the victims and encountered no reluctance. High rate of the offense took place in the noon or afternoon when many protectors thought the time period being safe. The families or guardians of the victims with mild MR made wrong judgment so as to let the girls more freedom to stay alone in parks or neighborhood, since they considered the girls were able to communicate and protect themselves. Based on the research findings, the authors propose the following points: 1. Acquaintance rape often occurs between girls with MR and their families, relatives, neighbors, or other known persons, because that the MR victims had been weak in self-protection under no adequate guardian. 2. Adequate education or training should be provided for the mild MR female for them to abiding by the principle of sex autonomy and self-protection when interacting with persons. 3. Strengthened care, observation and guard should be provided for the moderate and severe MR female. 4. There should be no time gap (day time or afternoon) in protecting MR female. 5. Educating the general public for them to understand the characteristics of the MR female and to break rape myths are critical points for preventing sexual assault.


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