  • 期刊


Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Industry


第四次工業革命之後,各種工業生產技術的發展相當迅速。在物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)的技術基礎下,工業界發展出了許多的新興應用,也誕生了許多新穎的技術名詞,例如:大數據(Big Data)、雲計算(Cloud Computing)、邊緣運算(Edge Computing)、工業智能(Industrial Artificial Intelligence, Industrial AI)等。這些技術大部分應用在機台產業,化工產業要如何找到適合的技術導入?本文以人工智慧的發展史為出發點,簡單說明化工系統與一般機台產業的差異,並以相關文獻及案例介紹在化工產業可能的相關運用,例如:專家系統運用在高爐冶煉將鐵礦石還原成生鐵、運用數據分析方法判斷氣體洩漏的特徵等。相信可以為化工產業帶來新的應用方向。


In the fourth industrial revolution, production technology has developed quite rapidly. Based on the technology of the internet of things (IoT), the new applications in the industries are increasingly developing. Recently, lots of new technical terms such as big data, cloud computing, edge computing, or industrial AI (Artificial Intelligence) have been created and most of them are used in machine industry. Another issue is how to find the suitable technologies to be used in chemical industry. Firstly, this article introduces the development history of artificial intelligence. Then we explain the difference between the chemical system and the general machine industry. Last, we will introduce some applications in the chemical industry according to relevant publications and cases. For example, expert systems have been applied in the blast furnace of the steel industry, data analysis methods have been used to predict the characteristics of gas leaks. This article try to propose some development directions for the chemical industry.
