  • 期刊


A Novel Taiwan Prosperity Surveillance System Based on Search Log and Learning to Rank




Purpose-Prosperity surveillance is an important issue for countries and organizations. Generally, the surveillance indicators are comprised of multiple economic variables which are compiled by different government departments. Compiling these variables involves a great deal of data processing, which delays the surveillance of prosperity. Design/methodology/approach-In this paper, we propose a novel prosperity surveillance system that utilizes the search logs from search engine. The system employs learning to rank algorithm to identify discriminative terms that are representative of prosperity. Representative terms and their query frequencies are then applied to a state-of-the-art data mining model to enhance the effectiveness of prosperity surveillance. Findings-The experimental results show that our prosperity surveillance system performs well and our feature selection method based on learning to rank outperforms other popular feature selection methods. Research limitations/implications-This study focused only on using search log information, in our future work, we plan to investigate more information sources (e.g., news posting, internet forum) to enhance the proposed feature selection method. Practical implications-In this paper, we have proposed an effective framework for predicting the status of prosperity in Taiwan, the proposed method can provide effective support for government officials and authorities in order to help them respond to fast-changing events and topics, and make appropriate decisions. Originality/value-This study is, to the best of our knowledge, the first attempt to apply search log and learning to rank to predict the status of prosperity in Taiwan.


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