  • 期刊


Assessing Adolescent's Closed-Ended Creative Potential: The Development of Chinese Word Remote Associates Test for Adolescent


創造力為二十一世紀中不可或缺的關鍵技能之一,世界各國逐漸重視學校教育中的創造力潛能測量與培養。然而,創造力測量具多面向特性,國內開放式創造力測驗雖已完整發展適合所有年齡層的題目與常模,但封閉式創造力測驗僅限於成人與兒童。本研究即根據Mednick所提出創造力連結理論的觀點,以「中文詞彙遠距聯想測驗」為基礎,擬發展一套具有良好心理計量特性、適合國內青少年之封閉式創造力測驗──「青少年版中文詞彙遠距聯想測驗」(Chinese Word Remote Associates Test-Adolescent version, CWRAT-A)。研究中經過對93題預試量表之前測與項目分析,挑選出50題作為CWRAT-A正式量表,分為難易度相同的甲、乙式(各25題),於北部、中部、南部、東部的國中與高中蒐集六個年級共1,649名參與者資料,進行信、效度之檢驗。結果顯示,在信度方面,甲、乙式的內部一致性分別為.80與.81,複本信度為.60。在效度方面,以「頓悟問題作業」作為效標關聯效度,有顯著正相關,相關係數分別為.17 與.25(ps < .05);以「竹筷子的不尋常用途」作為區辨效度,結果顯示與各指標皆無顯著相關,相關係數介於.00~.13。上述結果說明CWRAT-A具有良好的信、效度,是適合作為青少年封閉式創造力潛能測量之工具。


Creativity is one of the crucial skills in the 21st century. Many countries start focusing on the measurement and cultivation of creativity potential in school education. Nevertheless, creativity measurement should be multidimensional. The open-ended creativity test has been well developed and set up norms for all ages. However, the closed-ended creativity test is still limited to measurements for only adults and children. Based on Mednick's associative theory for creativity and the adult's version on Chinese Word Remote Associates Test, the present study develops a closed-ended creativity test for adolescent-the Chinese Word Remote Associates Test-Adolescent version (CWRAT-A)-and inspect its psychometric characteristics. According to the item analysis results of the pretest, 50 items were chosen from 93 items and were divided into Form A and Form B, which were equal in difficulty level. 1,649 participants in six grades (Grade 7 to Grade 12) were recruited from different areas in Taiwan to exam the reliability and validity of this test. In the reliability, the Cronbach's of Form A and Form B was .80 and .81, indicating a great internal consistency. The correlation coefficient between Form A and Form B was .60, indicating a good alternate from reliability. In the criterion-related validity, the correlations between two Forms and the insight problem task were .17 and .25 (ps < .05). In the discriminant validity, there were no significant correlations between two Forms and the Unusual Uses of the Chopsticks Test (rs between .00~.13, ps > .05). In conclusion, CWRAT-A has good reliability and validity and could be an effective measurement for assessing adolescent's closed- ended creative potential.


Abdulla, A. M., & Cramond, B. (2017). After six decades of systematic study of creativity: What do teachers need to know about what it is and how it is measured? Roeper Review, 39(1), 9-23. doi:10.1080/02783193.2016.1247398
