  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Content of "Gòng"(貢) in Zuo Zhuan and Guo Yu




《左傳》 《國語》 《周禮》


The attribute of "gòng" (tribute) in "Zhou Li" can be divided into the "gòng" for the year and the "gòng" for the Emperor Zhou. Although the attribute of "gòng" is different, the content of "gòng" is all mentioned in "Nine Gòng" in "Zhou Li-Tiān Guān-Dà Zăi. This article researches the related records of "gòng" in "Zhou Li" and also sorts out the content and attributes of "gòng" in "Zuo Zhuan" and "Guo Yu". According to "Zuo Zhuan" and "Guo Yu", there are two kinds of things can be the "gòng"; one is the products produced in the vassals' territories and the other one is the products processed in the vassals' territories. In "Zuo Zhuan" and "Guo Yu", those such as "bì-bó" (silk), "bì" (money), "yù-bó" (jade and silk), "pí-bì" (animal skin)& "zĭ-nü" (young and beautiful virgins) are also the "gòng", but they are also general gifts in some ways. The "pí bì" can also be a sort of merchandise for sell. How to define the contents of "bì-bó" is a "gòng" or a gift? It depends on the identity and purpose of the contributor and the recipients. In short, if it is a person who pays "gòng" from lower rank, such as the vassal "chao" (to present oneself before a Monarch) Emperor Zhou or Monarchs, it is the "gòng". However, if the identities of the two parties are equal and the purpose of the gift is to show respect or to comply with etiquette, such as "pìn" (vassals sent envoys to each other for friendly visits) or "wèn" (a small-scale of "pìn") between vassals can be interpreted as gifts.


Zuo Zhuan Guo Yu Zhou Li "Gòng"(貢) "chao"(朝)


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【漢】鄭玄注,【唐】賈公彥疏,《周禮注疏》,臺北:藝文印書館,1993據清嘉慶二十年(1815)江西南昌府學版影印。Zheng, Xun and Jia, Gong-Yan. Zho Yi Zhu Shu (The explanation of Zho Yi). Taipei: Yi-Wen, 1993.
