  • 期刊


Standing Firm and Marching toward the Challenge: On the Direction of the Development of Taiwan's Military Strategy




For many years, PRC has always been the greatest challenge to Taiwan's security-- Beijing has not guaranteed to give up the use of military force toward Taiwan. Small in size and only 110 miles from the China, Taiwan is at a geographic disadvantage. Although a Chinese invasion of Taiwan would still be risky and difficult, Beijing is likely to choose to launch blockade or air/missile bombardment to forced Taipei to accept political solution of unification. Many significant Chinese improvements in air warfare and amphibious assault capabilities have increased its probability of success. This article argued that Taiwan needs to consider current constraints of resources and national identity of ROC Armed Forces. In the foreseeable future, it is unlikely for the US and any other powers in the Western Pacific region to assist Taiwan without taking into account of Beijing's diplomatic, economic and military response. Therefore, Taiwan has to reconsider and enhance its contribution to the US and the other countries with the ability to deter against China's military expansion. To strengthen the capability of Chinese military intelligence collection and analysis and to incorporate regular military planning and training should be the top priority. Taiwan also needs to be creative about how to use the military and equipment they currently have. At the same time, Taiwan should strengthen its capability to response Chinese psychological warfare to avoid defeatism that erodes the resolution to defend this island.


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