背景:民眾對精神疾病的態度將影響精神病患回歸社區。發展適於華人社會且信、效度良好的測量工具,有助於瞭解民眾對於精神疾病之觀感,且由於精神疾病好發於青少年階段,該族群對於精神疾病之看法值得進一步探究。目的:以高中生為例,發展及測試中文版精神疾病態度量表之信、效度。方法:運用來回翻譯法將精神疾病態度量表中文化,並建立內容效度;再採橫斷面研究設計,以479位高中生為樣本進行問卷調查,評估量表之建構效度、複核效度及內在一致性信度。結果:中文版精神疾病態度量表內容效度良好,依據驗證性因素分析刪除第9和11題後,顯示中文版量表支持原量表之兩因素結構:負向態度及復元成效,具有適當之建構效度及複核效度,且總量表及兩次量表之內在一致性信度達可接受範圍(Cronbach's α分別為.76、.75、.81)。結論/實務應用:中文版精神疾病態度量表於高中生樣本測試所得信、效度適當,未來宜進一步以成人民眾為對象,建立於不同族群及年齡層之信、效度,藉此可瞭解國人對精神病患的觀感,並發展合宜的介入策略,以建構對精神病友較為友善的社區環境。
Background: Public attitudes toward mental illness influence the success with which patients reenter the community. An attitude instrument suitable to the Chinese cultural setting with good reliability and validity is essential to examining public attitudes toward mental illness. Exploring the perspectives of adolescents is relevant because most mental illness occurs during adolescence. Purpose: This study developed and tested the psychometric quality of the Chinese-version Attitudes Toward Mental Illness (CAMI) scale among senior high school students. Methods: The original AMI was translated into Chinese using a back and forth translation method and its content validity was examined. A cross-sectional survey of 479 senior high school students was conducted to assess the construct validity, cross validity, and internal consistency of the CAMI. Results: The CAMI showed adequate content validity. The confirmatory factor analysis support: the appropriateness of CAMI's original two-factor structure of negative attitude and recovery outcomes after deleting items 9 and 11; the measurement of the negative perceptions of mentally ill patients and their risks to community; and the perceptions of recovery of mentally ill patients. The construct validity and cross validity are appropriate and the internal consistency of the total scale and two subscales are acceptable (Cronbach's α: .76, .75, .81). Conclusions/Implications for Practice: The reliability and validity of the CAMI is appropriate for the sample of senior high students in this study. Future studies should target a broader range of people in order to establish the reliability and validity of the scale in different groups and to build up empirical knowledge on public attitudes toward mental illness. The application of this scale is expected to contribute to the development of anti-stigma interventions and to the creation of friendly communities for mentally ill patients.