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All the Names and the Event of Love



In this article I seek to re-read José Saramago's novel All the Names with reference to Alain Badiou's theory of the Event and the truth procedures that follow upon events of both Love and Art. Touching on various examples of love in the Western tradition, I show how Saramago's novel presents an interesting case of the chance encounter, the Event, point-by-point episodes of fidelity, and the on-going development of a truth of love for Senhor José. I then conclude by briefly considering the Event Saramago in the novelistic tradition. Badiou's theory allows us to see this work of the later Saramago in a new light and gives us reason to reassess his novelistic accomplishment.


Saramago Badiou Love Event acontecimento Sousa Dias


在本文中我將以阿蘭.巴迪歐的事件理論,以及愛與藝術之事件產生的真理程序(truth procedures),來重讀喬賽.薩拉馬戈的小說《所有的名字》(All the Names)。文中將觸及西方傳統裡許多著名的愛情案例,探討薩拉馬戈的小說如何以喬賽先生為例,呈現其經歷了偶然相遇之事件,逐步體現、宣示忠誠,並持續過渡至某種愛的真理之建構,最後再以討論小說傳統中的薩拉馬戈事件作為總結。巴迪歐的理論讓我們能以不同的角度檢視這部晚期薩拉馬戈的作品,並且啟發了重新評價其小說成就之可能。


薩拉馬戈 巴迪歐 事件 蘇薩.迪亞斯


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