生命表現的物質基礎和基因的表達有關,目前以基因微陣列技術(基因晶片)來研究基因的表達,可以在短時間之內得到大量的資訊,從基因的層面探討中醫的基礎理論,是後基因時代一個重要的研究工具。 本研究利用兩種熱藥:附子和乾薑分別培養腎細胞株,再抽取mRNA,反轉錄爲cDNA,並分別與未加中藥腎細胞株做比較。經酵素呈色反應(colorimetry),藉biotin和Digoxigenin呈色,利用白果能博士所設計的9600點基因晶片,看其對基因表達的影響。結果發現附子共使47個基因表達上升,最顯著的是碟德箱基因(DEAD/H box),而有46個基因下調。乾薑共使105個基因表達上升,最顯著的是生長停滯特異同類箱基因(growth arrest-specific homeobox),而有31個基因下調。碟德箱基因和解螺旋酵素(helicase)及細胞的生長有關,生長停滯特異同類箱基因和心血管疾病的防治有關,其他的基因也和附子、乾薑的臨床特性各有關聯。這啓發了一個全新的中醫藥研究法,未來亦可以此爲基礎,進一步做蛋白質體和動物及臨床的研究。
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been extensively used to treat many diseases in eastern society throughout thousands of years. However, the diagnostic and therapeutic concepts were not identical to those of modern western medicine. The major principles of TCM are treating patients based on the clinical disease patterns. For example, cold disease patterns could be treated with so-called hot medicines and they have the ability to relieve internal coldness of the human body, increase metabolic rate, sympathetic tone, etc. In the past few years, a new technology, DNA microarray (DNA chip), has made it possible to simultaneously study the expression of thousands genes in a single chip. In this pilot study, we try to elucidate the gene expression of the HEK 293 cell in vitro under the treatment by 2 traditional Chinese medicine (Radix Acconiti and Zingiberis Rhizoma), which belongs to the “hot” medicine. For this, gene expression of herbs treated cells and none treated cells was compared simultaneously using Dr. Peck Konan microarray system. Dual color staining method of enzyme colorimetry detection system was utilized by biotin-16-dUTP and dig-11-dUTP during reverse transcription. The dual color immuno-chemical detection followed the antibody/enzyme/substrate pairs. The result showed changes in expressions of 47 genes up regulation and 46 genes down regulation by Radix Acconiti; 105 genes up regulation and 31 genes down regulation by Zingiberis Rhizoma. This study established a method to the understanding of the genetic influence of TCM. Further studies are needed to verify these results.