在化石燃料資源日益減少的壓力下,探索新的綠色能源已是世界各國迫在眉梢的難題。本文是由日本及台灣共同分析比較太陽能發電之潛能,從日本年帄均來看,緯度的影響並不顯著,即使是北端的札幌(北緯43度)與南端的石垣島(北緯24度)相差的日射量(solar radiation)只在兩成左右。季節變化則有較大的影響,在冬季降雪或降雨較多的日本濱海地區及太陽入射角度較低的北海道、東北北部,其帄均日射量低至1.5 kWh/m^2.day,相較於全國帄均日射量3.3 kWh/m^2.day尚不到一半。而在太陽入射角度較高的6月,北海道日射量卻又達到全國最高水帄,其原因推測是該區域無梅雨,故日照時間較長。而從夏天到秋天的日射量分布,則符合越往南越高的趨勢。日本方面,推估日本全國的總發電量約為12,000億kWh,因此理論上在日本領土的2.5%設置太陽能電池即可充份滿足全國的電力需求。而由日本太陽能發電評估之研究成果套用至台灣,可推算出台灣東北部具有夏季用電尖峰之發電潛能,而中南部或高海拔地區更具有全年的太陽能發電潛能。若能進一步收集各地資料,比照日本經驗推算最適傾斜角,對於發電量的提升當可有更大的助益。儘管太陽能發電在成本方面高於其他發電方式,考量到原料取得、環境污染以及發電效率等種種因素,太陽能發電依然有其研究與推廣之價值。
As the global petrochemical resources get diminishing, to explore new green energy is an urgent mission around the world. This paper is a general analysis and comparison of solar power generation potential of Japan and Taiwan. In Japan, the latitude effect on solar power potential is not significant between northern and southern parts of the country. The difference between the northern tip Sapporo and the southern tip at Ishigaki Island (24 degrees north latitude) is only about 20 percent. The seasonal difference, however, are greater than latitude ones. In winter season at coastal areas with snowy or rainy weather or at low sun angle areas such as Hokkaido and northern Northeast regions, the average solar radiation may reduce to the lower level of 1.5 kWh/m^2.day, less than 1/2 of the national average of 3.3 kWh/m^2.day. In summer such as June, the solar incident angle at northern region such as Hokkaido may reach to the highest so that the solar radiation also reaches to the country's highest level. The predominant clear weather with long sunshine duration can explain for this phenomenon. From summer to autumn in Japan the solar radiation shows a distribution trend of higher down south. The total yearly power generation potential in Japan is estimated to be 12,000 billion kWh, therefore theoretically only 2.5% of whole country territory is required to apply the solar cell to completely meet the country's needs of electricity power. Using the same evaluation technique to assess the situation in Taiwan, we find that at northeastern Taiwan there is greater potential for solar power generation in summer. While at high altitude areas and southern regions the yearly solar power potentials are also higher. If further adequate information such as solar incident angle in various areas in Taiwan can be collected and applied, the evaluation precision of solar power potential will be improved. Although solar energy generation in terms of cost is greatly higher than those of other resources, it is still very worthy to apply around the world as the more and more difficulty in obtaining the raw petrochemical materials, more seriousness of environmental pollution and more concern on power generation efficiency in our human society.