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Embryo Development and Larval Rearing of Pink Clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion)



粉紅海葵魚(Amphiprion petrideraion)屬雀鯛科(Pomacentridae)之海葵魚亞科(Amphiprioninae)。在247日的研究期間共計觀察到產卵21次;如同時觀察到種魚有清潔產卵床行為、雌魚腹部明顯膨大、生殖突起明顯突出,則可判定種魚即將產卵。在27±1℃、鹽度34±1‰環境條件下,每次產卵間隔約13.0±3.7日,孵化時間需7.2±1.2日(n=49)。產卵時間在09:15~74:05,大部份集中在09:00~11:00,產卵行為持續約1個多小時;每次產卵數約300-700顆,卵粒為橘紅色、橢圓形、分離之沉性附着卵,長徑為1.85±0.20(n=30)mm,卵黃長徑為1.30±0.13mm,內有許多油球,油球徑152±109μm。且孵化日之晚間應保持完全黑暗狀態。育苗期間水温,孵化之仔魚全長為3.20~3.80mm,並具驅光性,隨著成長,仔魚驅光性變弱。孵化後1-11日間,投予輪虫(Brachionus plicatilis),第12日起,即可兼投橈足類(Copepod),第15日以後完全投予橈足類,孵化後第59日,魚苗之全長為16.62~28.63mm,已可以完全接受人工粒狀飼料,孵化後第26~30日,魚苗體色斑紋大致和成魚相似,孵化後第22日之魚苗已有領域及爭鬥行為。體色已轉變之仔魚,對海葵觸手發射的刺細胞始開始有免疫的功能。

Parallel abstracts

Pink clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion) belongs to the subfamily of Amphiprioninae in the Pomacentridae family. During the 247 days of observation, the pink clownfish ovulated 21 times. The oviposition came after the brooders began to clean the spawning substrate together; the venter of female grew larger with a protrusion in the female breed aperture. The spawning interval and hatching Ume required of A. perideraion under 27±1℃ of water temperature and 34±1 parts per thousand (ppt) of salinity was 13.0±3.7 day & 7.2±1.2 (n=49) days post spawning (DPS), with about 300-700 eggs per spawning. The spawning activity lasted more than one hour starting from 09:15 to 14:05 with most spawning from 09:00 to 11:00. These adhesion demersal eggs were orange and ellipsoidal, which were about 1.85±0.20 (n=30) mm in diameter. The yolks were about 1.30±0.13 mm in diameter and contained several oil droplets were about 152±109 μm in diameter. The newly hatched larvae were about 3.20-3.80 mm in total length, which were phototactic and the phototaxis decreased as they grew. The larvae were fed with rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) from day one post hatching (1 DPH) to 11 DPH. On 12 DPH, copepod was added to the feeds and the amount was increased gradually until it totally replaced rotifers on the 15 DPH. The 22 DPH fry showed fighting and territorial behavior. The band on the body surface of the larvae at 26 DPH (12.56 mm) is similar to that of adult. The 59 DPH old fry were about 16.62-28.63 mm in total length and could be completely fed with pellet feed. The development of protective systems in those without any changes in color is incomplete.

Cited by

林宗翰(2017)。斑石鯛人工孵化繁殖與飼料中不同含量蛋白質對斑石鯛幼魚 成長與體組成之影響〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201701387
