本文報導台灣地區所採獲之棘茄魚科之物種,共計6屬18種。其中包含2新紀錄屬:腔蝠魚屬(Coelophrys)和棘茄魚屬(Halieutopsis)以及8新紀錄種:短尾腔蝠魚(C. brevicaudata)、扁頭腔蝠魚(C. micropa)、異擬棘茄魚(H. ingerorum)、準擬棘茄魚(H. simula)、印度棘茄魚(Halieutaea indica)、鉤棘海蝠魚(Malthopsis mitrigera)、斑點海蝠魚(M. tiarella)和星點長鰭鲾魚(Solocisquama Stellulata)。本文提供台灣棘茄魚科屬及種的檢索表以及各種之鑑別特徵、異名及地理分布。
This work reports the batfishes collected from the Taiwanese waters. A total of 18 species in six genera were recognized. New records of two genera, Halieutopsis and Coelophrys, and eight species, Coelophrys brevicaudata, C. micropa, Halieutopsis ingerorum, H. simula, Halieutaea indica, Malthopsis mitrigera, Malthopsis tiarella, Solocisquama stellulata, are reported. A key to all genera and species of batfishes recorded from Taiwan as well as the diagnosis, synonymy and distribution of each species are provided.