本研究探討后里地區輪作制度對百合病蟲害發生與切花品質的影響,選取二塊百合田區 (Chen-1與Chen-2) 分別與甘藍、水稻及金花石蒜進行輪作試驗。取每顆平均含4.1隻羅賓根蟎的百合Serano鱗莖,分別種植於與甘藍輪作及與百合連作之Chen-1田區,植株採收後量取輪作區與連作區地上部植株之高度分別為51.5與46.9 cm,花苞數分別為1.9與1.6朵,花朵長度分別為12.7與11.4 cm,兩處理間之各量測性狀均具顯著差異 (p<0.05);然而,輪作區與連作區的鱗莖羅賓根蟎檢出率仍分別高達96%與94%,每顆鱗莖所帶羅賓根蟎數分別為5.1隻與5.4隻。另外,將不帶羅賓根蟎的百合Yelloween鱗莖分別種植於與水稻輪作及與金花石蒜輪作之Chen-2田區,植株採收後量測水稻輪作區與金花石蒜輪作區的地上部植株高度分別為74.8與57.8 cm,二次根長度分別為10.6與7.9 cm,兩者在處理間均具顯著差異 (p<0.05);而水稻輪作區與金花石蒜輪作區的鱗莖羅賓根蟎檢出率分別為10%與96%,每顆鱗莖所帶羅賓根蟎數分別為0.2隻與6隻,兩者皆具顯著差異 (p<0.05)。雖然無論從Chen-1或Chen-2的輪作區或連作區的Serano與Yelloween植株地下部皆可分離得到百合根腐病菌Rhizoctonia solani與Fusariumoxysporum,但是試驗期間 (2011年4-6月) 田間卻未見明顯的病害發生。
The effects of crop rotation on the occurrence of lily diseases and pests and on the quality of cut lily were investigated in this study. Two pieces of lily field area (Chen-1 and Chen-2) which rotated with cabbage, rice and Lycoris aurea (golden spider lily), respectively, were selected and carried out. The bulbs of Serano lily with an average of 4.1 mites each bulb were planted in two plots of Chen-1 field which rotated with cabbage and lily crops, respectively. After harvesting, the horticultural characteristics including plant height, length of secondary root, number of flower buds, length of flower bud and diameter of bulb of lily plants from both plots were measured. Data showed that only plant height, number of flower bud and length of flower bud of plants rotated with cabbage crop were significantly better than that of plants with lily crops. For example, plant height with 51.5 cm in cabbage rotation and with 46.9 cm in lily rotation was significant difference (p<0.05). Similarly the number of flower buds, with 1.9 and 1.6, and the flower length with 12.7 cm and 11.4 cm between cabbage rotation and lily rotation were also significant difference (p<0.05). However, the mite detection rate with 96% and 94%, and mite numbers per bulb with 5.1 and 5.4 from both rotation plots showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Another experiment, the mite-free bulbs of Yelloween lily were planted in two plots of Chen-2 field which rotated with rice and golden spider lily, respectively. After harvesting, some of horticultural characteristics of lily plants from both plots had significant difference (p<0.05) including plant heights with 74.8 and 57.8 cm, and the length of secondary roots with 10.6 and 7.9 cm, respectively. In addition, the mite detection rate with 10% and 96%, and mite numbers per bulb with 0.2 and 6 in rice and golden spider lily rotation plots, respectively, showed significant difference (p<0.05). The plant pathogens, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum, which has been reported as the causal agents of lily root rot disease were frequently isolated from underground part tissues of Serano and Yelloween lilies. But no disease was observed in Chen-1 and Chen-2 fields during experimental period from April to June, 2011.