天然黏性蔬菜及經由黃豆發酵製成的納豆,這兩類食物於日本認為非常可口且健康之食物。實驗目標為評估健康受試者於日本傳統高昇糖指數的米飯早餐中,攝食納豆及黏性蔬菜,是否影響血糖、血中胰島素濃度、血脂及飽食反應。共有11位受試者參與,以隨機交叉設計讓受試者攝取參考餐、對照餐與實驗餐食。實驗餐食中,包含200 g 白飯及黏性食物(納豆50g、日本山藥60g及秋葵40 g);對照餐食包含200 g白飯及非黏性煮熟之黃豆、馬鈴薯及花椰菜,兩種餐食含相似量之碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白質及纖維。此外以白飯作為參考餐。餐後180 分鐘內間隔抽取血液樣本分析血糖、胰島素、非酯化游離脂肪酸及三酸甘油酯。攝食實驗餐食,血糖(6.0 mmol/L)及胰島素濃度(262 pmol/L)尖峰顯著低於對照餐食(6.8 mmol/L及360 pmol/L)。實驗餐後0-120分鐘內血糖及胰島素上升面積也顯著低於對照餐(28及27%)。攝食天然黏性蔬菜與白飯可降低急性高血糖及高胰島素濃度。這種實用的飲食結合,較易遵行並有利於減低糖尿病及心血管疾病風險。
Naturally viscous vegetables and natto, made by fermenting soybeans, are very palatable and considered to be healthy foods in Japan. The objective was to assess whether the consumption of natto and viscous vegetables as part of a traditional Japanese breakfast based on high-glycemic index white rice affects glycemic, insulinemic, lipidemic and satiety responses in healthy subjects. Eleven healthy subjects consumed the reference, control and test meals in a randomized cross-over design. The test meal, comprising 200 g of boiled white rice with viscous meal (50 g natto, 60 g Japanese yams and 40 g okras), and the control meal, comprising 200 g of white rice with non-viscous boiled soybeans, potatoes and broccoli, contained comparable amounts of carbohydrate, fat, protein and fiber. In addition, whiter rice was used as a reference meal. Blood samples over 180 min were analyzed for glucose, insulin, non-esterified free fatty acid and triacylglyceride. Peak glucose and insulin concentrations after the test meal (6.0 mmol/L and 262 pmol/L) were significantly lower than after the control meal (6.8 mmol/L and 360 pmol/L). The incremental areas under the curve for glucose and insulin over 0-120 min after the test meal were also significantly reduced as compared with the control meal (28 and 27%). The consumption of naturally viscous vegetables with white rice reduced acute glycemia and insulinemia. This practical dietary combination would ensure compliance and favorably alter the risk for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.