  • 期刊

Effect of food service form on eating rate: meal served in a separated form might lower eating rate



在这项研究中,我们调查食物形式(混合或分开)和食用率之间的关系。该实验使用了受试者设计(n=29,年轻健康体重正常的女性)。具有相同内容和重量的测试餐(白米饭和小菜)以混合或分开的形式提供。食物提供的形式显著影响消费量和进食速度:当测试餐以混合形式提供(285 g, 575 kcal)的时候,受试者吃的显著多于测试餐以分开形式提供(244 g,492 kcal)。此外,当测试餐以混合形式提供时受试者吃的也显著快(22.4 g/min)于以分开形式提供(16.2 g/min)。尽管当测试餐以混合的形式提供比以分开形式提供受试者消费更多,但受试者并没有感到更显著的饱腹感。总之,我们证实食物以分开形式提供可能降低食用率,而且更慢的进食速度与较少的能量摄入相关,而不影响饱腹感。


In this study, we investigated the association between food form (mixed vs separated) and eating rate. The experiment used a within-subjects design (n=29, young healthy women with normal weight). Test meals (white rice and side dishes) with the same content and volume were served at lunch in a mixed or separated form. The form in which the food was served had significant effects on consumption volume and eating rate; subjects ate significantly more (p<0.05) when a test meal was served as a mixed form (285 g, 575 kcal) compared to a separated form (244 g, 492 kcal). Moreover, subjects also ate significantly faster (p<0.05) when the test meal was served as a mixed form (22.4 g/min) as compared to a separated form (16.2 g/min). Despite consuming more when the test meal was served as a mixed form than when served as a separated form, the subjects did not feel significantly fuller. In conclusion, we confirmed that meals served in a separated form might lower the eating rate and, moreover, slower eating might be associated with less energy intake, without compromising satiety.


eating habit eating rate energy intake food mixing obesity
