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Postoperative Cryotherapy for Total Knee Arthroplasty-A Study of Cryo/Cuff System

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Cryotherapy (cold therapy) has been shown to be beneficial for postoperative or traumatized patients. It can rebuke pain, swelling, inflammatory reaction, hemorrhage, and hematoma formation. Local compression is also commonly used to minimize the local swelling and hemorrhage. The Cryo/Cuff device was designed toprovide cold and controlled compression simultaneously. In this study, we compared the effect of this device to the traditional “crushed-ice bag” for postoperative care of the patients undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty. From April 1990 to May 1993, 85 primary total knee replacements in 65 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee were performed by the same author (YSH). There were 10 males and 55 females with an average age of 66 years. Fifty knees were managed by “crushed-ice bag” and 30 knees were treated by the Cryo/Cuff device postoperatively. The age distributions between these two groups were compatible. We recorded the amount of blood drainage from the operated knee joint, number of intramuscular Demerol injection during the hospitalization, and the length of hospitalization. T-test was used for the statistic evaluation. The patients using Cryo/cuff device had a similar amount of postoperative blood drainage to those using traditional “crushed-ice bag” (P=0.53). They had a trend to as more Demerol injections after operation (2.6 times vs. 1.5 times, p=0.015). Days of hospitalization after surgery was slightly less in the Cryo/Cuff users (12 days vs. 13.5 days, p=0.008), Although the benefits of simultaneous cold and compression of the Cryo/Cuff de-vice were reported, no superiority to the traditional crushed-ice method regarding postoperative hemorrhage and pain was fouud in this study. Its effect to shorten the hospitalization days was not clear although the difference was statistically si
