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Comparison of Plasma Trans-Fatty Acid, Docosahexaenoic Acid and Palmitoleic Acid Levels with Respect to Gender, Age and Area of Residence in Adult Taiwanese


本研究主旨在使用臺灣營養健康狀況調查取得檢體,分析國人成人血漿中反式及順式脂肪酸成分,並針對反式脂肪酸、二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaenoic acid, C22:6n-3, DHA)及棕櫚油酸(palmitoleic acid, C16:1n-7)含量百分比,依性別、年齡、居住區域等進行統計分析並比較歸納之,以提供國人油脂攝取狀況之參考數據。使用2005-2008年調查蒐集19歲以上成人,1839個案血漿檢體。血漿中脂肪酸經甲基化及萃取後,利用氣相層析儀之極性管柱分離脂肪酸成分,火焰偵測器偵測訊號,利用標準品辨認31種脂肪酸後輸入數據計算分析其總脂質之重量百分比。我們發現19-30歲青年期男女血漿反式脂肪酸含量皆顯著較其他年齡層高,就居住區域而言,以北一層台北都會區較高。血漿DHA含量在19-30歲青年期男女及大於65歲老年女性較45-64歲中年期低,就居住區域而言,以澎湖和南部層較高。血漿中C16:1n-7含量以居住在山地層、大於65歲老年女性較高。19-30歲青年期血漿中反式脂肪酸含量較其他年齡層高,而DHA較低,或許應注意是否更年輕的青少年、兒童、尤其是幼兒是否也有此趨勢,而影響其健康風險。


The aim of this study was to analyze plasma cis- and trans-fatty acid profiles in 1839 adult Taiwanese blood samples collected by the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan, 2005-2008. Plasma fatty acids was converted into methyl esters and analyzed by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector on a polar capillary column. The fatty acid composition of 31 fatty acids with 12 to 24 carbon was expressed as the weight percentage of each specific fatty acid to the sum of these. We found that percentage of the total trans-fatty acid was significantly higher in young adults aged 19-30 years than those aged more than 30 years. People living in the Taipei metropolitan areas also showed higher plasma trans-fatty acid percentage than those living in other areas. Plasma docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6n-3) levels were lower in young adults and old women (age ≥ 65 years) than in middle age persons at 45-64 years. Plasma DHA percentages were higher in people living in the Penghu Archipelago and in southern areas of Taiwan than those in other areas; plasma palmitoleic acid (C16:1n-7) levels were higher in people living in the mountainous area and in older women (age ≥ 65 years) than their counterparts. It is important to know whether the phenomena of higher plasma trans-fatty acids and lower DHA levels are also presented in children and adolescents.
